Playing athletics, playing a lot of different sports, going to drama school... I was one of those kids who wanted to do everything, so I ended up being pretty average at everything.

You should be watching 'White Collar' because it's a fun, intelligent procedural infused with a lot of great character writing by Jeff Eastin.

I've definitely had crazy acting teachers.

I'm completely happy and fulfilled in my personal life.

I'm so grateful to be born in the times I live in and to be provided the opportunities I've been given. I'd be wrong to complain.

There were, and still are, a lot of different points of view in the gay community. It's not everybody holding hands and singing 'Kumbaya.' People have very different perspectives.

I used to go to sports camp every summer. I'd make a lot of new friends, and it was all athletic. It was basically a place for parents to send their kids to run out all their summer energy for two weeks.

I was raised in a conservative Christian household. We weren't even allowed to watch 'secular' television, anything that was deemed not proper for Christians.

I think when you play a role, you always have to be a defense attorney for that character.

I pretty much got busted for everything, but I definitely stretched out my boundaries as a kid, as well.

I never really endeavored to hide anything. But there were times I chose not to relegate my history to the back page of a magazine, which to me is sort of akin to putting your biography on a bathroom wall.

I love India. I've always been drawn to it, and I hope that I get to visit the country soon.

I put on muscle really quick.

I would sit on the swing set and swing literally for two hours, just, like, imagining things. Like, what if this happened, and what if I was this guy?

When we were filming the first 'Magic Mike,' we obviously had a limited budget; it was an independent film. And we would entertain extras in between takes.

I was always that fringe guy anyway, the guy who played football and then did the musicals.

Just being attached to 'Superman' actually gave a great boost to my career.

You have to remember you're an artist and get hungry.

Everybody thinks that equality comes from identifying people, and that's not where equality comes from.

There's always a need for new superheroes. As society changes, the types of superheroes will probably change as well.

I'm blessed to have a family, so it's not like I'm twiddling my thumbs. When I'm not working, that's where all my attention comes.

I consider 'White Collar' my home base. I'm so lucky to get to play a character that's very multifaceted and the writers take risks on and never get into a staid process with.

How can you not have preconceived notions and expectations of who Kelsey Grammer is gonna be? He's been in my living room since my TV was on. And he exceeded them all, somehow. He's such a beautiful and open-hearted collaborator and mentor and such a great family man. I was just lucky to get to work with him and learn from him.

I remember I was really, really proud the first moment I got my insurance and also just going in to get my SAG card and filling out the form and realizing I was a member of all the unions I could be a part of as an actor. It was a really fulfilling experience for me.