When we were doing 'Criminal Justice,' they were filming 'Clash of the Titans' nearby and we kept nicking off to their catering tent and going, 'Look what they've got!'

I watch 'Take Me Out' mainly for Paddy McGuinness. When we were younger, we worked together as lifeguards at the Bolton Leisure Centre.

For me, politics is about passion. It doesn't matter what you know; it's your actions that count. I meet people who say they're socialists, and that's not what they carry out in their everyday life.

I'm a big techphobe. Someone else helps me run my Twitter; I wouldn't be able to trust myself.

I'd rather go down with an almighty bang than play it safe.

In my 20s, I was going round seeing agents who were patronising because I was fat and a girl, which was a double whammy. I knew what it was to feel out-of-the-loop.

The films, the music, the telly that I like is always a little bit more on the margins.

I think you can tell a lot by someone's footwear - cowboy boots would put me off, as would a man in Ugg boots or Crocs.

I actually used to compete at show-jumping when I was a young'un.

I am an actor. I love acting, and I absolutely love what I do, but I don't want it to be every waking hour.

We take things at face value, don't we? You form an opinion about something immediately, but you ought to step back a bit. Take in the vista first.

I have recurring dreams about losing my temper, which become quite violent. I dread to think what that says about me.

A few things make a person stylish: honesty, imagination with a sprinkling of humour. I still keep an eye on trends, but I don't follow them any more.

There's a security, a validity of knowing that it's legal. It's hard to put into words. It's just a feeling, I guess - something about saying vows in front of the people around you who love and support you.

For some reason, they always gave me a fat suit in high-school productions. If there was a character who needed to be robust, they gave me a fat suit, and I put on a silly voice.

I'm from a very athletic family, and I thoroughly enjoyed sports as a kid, but acting was a way of expressing myself and having fun. It was something I found on my own.

I think every guy and girl would love to get to play Superman at some point in their life.

My personal life is a source of incredible happiness for me, but it's personal, and it's not for me to hock or shop around to the highest bidder.

I don't think it's a bad thing to go out there and challenge yourself as an actor.

Activism isn't beautiful and easy, or a bunch of people getting together and picketing; it's a lot more complicated and difficult than that.

I think if you start to think too much about things that are completely out of control, it will just drive you crazy as an actor.

I can safely say that I had an incredibly difficult and trying past growing up and trying to be an artist and standing up as who I am in this world.

To be honest with you, my physical state is usually dictated by the project I'm working on at a given time.

I want to work with anyone who's passionate about telling a story. I obviously have a list of people I really love, but it's a really long list.