Any pigeonhole is something to be rebelled against.

I think the hardest part about anything you do for 18 months is just keeping yourself together for 18 months.

I'm geek royalty now.

I don't like affectation.

Like, honest to God, I don't expect people to be into what I'm into.

Coming back from doing 'The Hobbit,' you think 'Sherlock' is realistic, but of course, it's not that realistic.

When I was at youth theatre and drama school, I never thought people would mistake me for a stand-up.

I don't write anything off without reading a script, and if it's a good one, I'll consider it, whether it's for $20 or a million dollars.

I've had several really tangible dreams about UFOs, and they've been amazing!

I suppose the real cult things now are independent films made for a million pounds.

Most people aren't these grandstanding heroes.

I enjoy fighting scenes. I like fighting in film. I like pretending to fight in films.

To be honest, if people thought my performance in 'The Office' was the same as my performance in 'The Hobbit,' it would tell me everything I needed to know about what they know about acting.

I hope I inspire children to make films.

I want to inspire children to be obsessed over jewellery.

I think the world needs to see more of my face.

I like anything with my face on it, just from an aesthetic point of view.

I think what 'The Hobbit' and Middle-earth deal in are quite universal and timeless themes of honour and love and friendship... so they're things that do resonate with people.

'Sherlock' is beautifully done, if I may say so myself. Even if I wasn't in it, I would like the show.

I don't think anyone looks into their family tree and expects it to come up smelling of roses.

Half of us are partly German! Half our language and culture, generally, in Anglo-Saxon terms, is German.

Whenever someone says to my mum: 'How's your son doing?' she says: 'Which one?' If you're a parent, you're not going to go: 'Oh I'll concentrate on the famous one.'

I think acting is all about the other people. Sounds like a worthy thing to say, but it's true.

All my life, I've felt people are looking at me. So, when I became known, it was like, 'I'm not imagining this any more. People genuinely are staring at me. Oh, Christ, now they're coming over!'