It's good to make people laugh.

People think I'm a very serious actor, which I am. But you know, if you don't have a sense of humor doing what I do, you perish.

I'm very proud of Space 1999. Its success paved the way for other sci-fi shows to follow. My hope is that the DVD release will help it reach a new generation of fans.

I always treat each take as a rehearsal for the next take. That way you can find stuff and keep adding and playing until they tell me to stop.

Everything that has happened to me is of value to me. As painful as certain things are, and have been, and were, there's a use for those things in my life and in my work.

When someone is there for you, has your back, that's somebody to pay attention to because that's a friend.

Agents have enormous power that studios relinquished to them. The studios, when I first came to Hollywood, that's where the power was.

Nobody knew me. They just knew that I was the guy from 'Mission: Impossible.'

Sergio Leone came to see me when I was doing 'Mission Impossible.' He wanted me to do 'A Fistful of Dollars.' I turned him down. I didn't want to get stuck as a stoic Western movie star.

A lot of the time with an independent production, you go onto the set, and you rehearse it in front of the crew, and at that point, the cinematographer takes over. You start accommodating the camera instead of the camera accommodating you.

Jimmy Dean was my best friend.

They made a fatal mistake in doing 'Psycho' again. Why do that? Why revisit something that stands for itself?

The real good comedians, like Chaplin, would make you laugh and a second later, cry.

I've always felt, pound for pound, I'm one of the best guys around; but you get stuck in people's eyes in a certain way, and it takes an imaginative director who will look at you and realize you can play different kinds of parts because you are an actor.

I look for roles where there is some kind of an arc to the story.

Ageism is something that does exist.

There are not many A-list directors who get to make the movies they want to make. I know two: Woody Allen and Tim Burton. Two different textures, but both get to do what they want, and that's rare.

I was offered the Gene Hackman role in 'The Poseidon Adventure' four times, and I turned it down four times. I didn't want to do that movie. I called it the upside down boat.

I had hair down to my shoulders, a beard and mustache. I was crude and rude.

I've worked with a lot of wooden actors in my day, but Pinocchio is the best.

I've always been interested in science fiction.

I create each character as an individual, coming from a certain place, sounding a certain way, having been introduced to things a certain way.

A lot of the bad guys I've played just haven't had much dimension to them.

I'm usually cast by people who are oddly goofy.