I like life to surprise me.

I like the idea of not everything happening between two human beings to be everyone's property.

It's always the case, whenever you're doing someone real, how much you want to do an impression or a characterisation. If I was doing Churchill, or Gandhi - people know exactly how they talked, walked.

I've always liked clothes, since I was a kid.

I love eating. I mean, I really, really love eating.

I'm quite a disciplinarian: I can be a shouter. But I can be a very demonstrative kisser and hugger.

Even someone as truly dark as Lorne Malvo is still very attractive, and you want to spend time with him because he's a fun character.

I think people just like seeing friendship. I think people like seeing people who just drive each other up the wall, but at same time, can't live without each other.

There are always challenges to green screen.

I have quite catholic taste in music.

Your slippers last a lot longer in your bedroom. On a film set, they do get very scuffed up.

If you are a plumber, you can work on a shed, or you can work on a mansion. It's just scale.

I don't want to be alone; the thing I love about acting is the other people you're doing it with.

Without sounding overly pompous about it, I don't really trust certainty in anything, actually. Especially as I get older. Except love. I'm certain of love, I guess.

I like bootcut jeans in a plain style with a nice line.

I'm one of the few people I know who believes in God.

You absorb 2,000 years of history just by being near the Thames.

I've always loved Christmas and that's not really gone away from me from being a child to now. It's always a magical time and I'm unashamed in my love for Christmas.

It's hard talking about acting, in a way, because it's like explaining a joke: I do think it loses something in the telling.

I don't want to sound like a grumpy old man, but nothing winds me up more than people saying, 'Chill out' to me when I'm irritated!

Disappointment is an endless wellspring of comedy inspiration.

I've never been to a festival. I'm a creature of habit, mashed-potato comfort, I like rugs. Our sofa's squishy. Maybe too squishy - it's hard to get up sometimes.

I'm a big believer that life changes as much as you want it to.

I've always been attracted to darkness.