I never look at any pictures of myself on the red carpet. I can't do that.

It's always a weird feeling being on the red carpet, but the more I go, the more I try to connect myself to the here and now. And breathe. That's the way I make the experience a good one. If I think too much - if my head is somewhere else because I'm stressed out - it shows.

If I just wear something because I feel like myself and I'm comfortable, that's okay - and that goes even for more edgy things. But if I try too much, or if I even try, it doesn't work. It doesn't feel natural, and I feel very uncomfortable.

We need to fight for women's rights, but I don't want to separate women from men. We're separated already because we're not made the same, and it's the difference that creates this energy in creation and love.

Michael Fassbender is just a creative force: he finds authenticity in singularity with what he brings, and it's always authentic. He doesn't try to be creative and different for the sake of it.

When you don't have time, especially for a director, you cannot do exactly what you want to do. You have to cut your dream to fit in the movie you're doing.

Before I was a mum, I could live in another dimension, create another world, and it wouldn't bother me if I was not totally available or totally myself. Today I cannot do that anymore.

I never take anything personally when it doesn't concern me.

All of the characters I've had the chance to create are survivors. But we live in a world where surviving makes up most of what we do.

'Do I have a purpose.' Right. And of course you do. Otherwise, you wouldn't be on Earth. I really strongly believe that if we're here, it's for a reason.

I never thought I'd have the opportunity to visit another culture.

When I was a kid, my dream was to be an actress and to be able to jump from one world to another, to disappear into roles, that people wouldn't recognize me from one movie to another. So I feel very lucky that I have the opportunity to live that dream.

I don't know if I will be acting all my life, honestly.

My first kiss was in the geography room, where you put all the maps. I actually don't know how to say it in English.

There are so many actresses that I love. I think Jennifer Lawrence is a prodigy. I think Elle Fanning is absolutely amazing.

Toni Collette is one of my favorite. I have a passion for actresses. The list is going to be very, very long.

I cry watching 'Camille' with Greta Garbo. I have to say that - while it might sound weird - it will be weird, but there is one movie I always laugh in, and at the end of the movie, I always cry, and I saw it, like, 10 times. It's 'Step Brothers.'

I always thought that I was a terrible writer. And I started to write songs. And I started to like what I was writing. I think it's a new way for me to express things that are closer to myself than when I play a role because, of course, it's really not me.

It was right after I did Piaf, 'La Vie en Rose'. I started to take singing lessons and finding where I could go.

Having your picture taken in the street and put in a magazine won't change your life.

I couldn't identify with anyone. At school, I was considered very strange. I didn't understand the relationships between people.

I'm able to tell when I'm in a bad place or super-sad and move on. When you're stuck somewhere, you need to change something to shift the energy.

There is something strange about me. I don't ever feel at ease in a group of people. I have to fight hard to overcome my fears.

As an actress, I always wanted to do movies, and I never dreamt about doing movies in America just because I didn't think it was possible.