When I'm in Kathmandu, I go out into the hills and go trekking.

I am looking to play powerful characters and as far as biopics are concerned.

The moment I started watching my thoughts, I realized how futile fear is.

What's important is to do good work and interesting roles.

Fame will go away; people will not have interest in your work anymore. That has to happen. To overcome, all you can do is reinvent and work hard.

I take care of my health. I nurture it.

I found that this life is a gift, and everything that comes with it is a gift.

I always wanted to be an acclaimed artist and to be at the top of my game.

There's no substitute to hard work.

When I got to know about my cancer, I was at the rock bottom of my life, and my work suffered for it.

I was ahead of my classmates in some ways. While they were enjoying Mills & Boons, I was reading Ayn Rand.

For a young, unexposed Nepalese girl, Bollywood was a terrifying experience.

I think cancer came into my life as a gift. My vision is sharper, my mind clearer, my perspective realigned.

I have to tell you this - as a teenager, I never used to see any horror films till I started acting in films.

I don't watch too many films.

Every actor prepares a scene in their own way. For me, it's about understanding the scenario, the room I'm going to be working in, the obstacles in and around the frame, etc.

On the sets, I used to scare people. I team up with my level of people and sometimes do spooky things. I've inherited this from my mother, as she used to scare my neighbours by dressing up like a ghost.

I've been constantly under male gaze. In our movies, women are constantly objectified.

Procrastinating is a habit that I have to overcome.

During cancer, when I was flat out on the bed, I was so helpless. I wanted to do things my way, but it was not happening. I learnt to trust the process of life and letting other people also sometimes take control. I became more easy-going.

Creative people are more emotionally charged, so I am a super sensitive person.

I just don't want to be known as the face for cancer. It is one part of my life. Yes, it was a major part because it changed me a lot, but that is not all my life.

We think till the last minute that nothing can happen to us. But cancer will grab you by surprise, and then it's too late.

I don't see things from a worm's perspective but a bird's perspective. I smile at problems.