It is good to enjoy your life, follow your passion, do things that give you joy.

Life is about falling down, getting up, and moving ahead.

I would love to play Indira Gandhi.

I come from a family where we were taught to love and respect every community and religion.

With my mom and dad around, I became a child yet again.

Do your best and leave the rest to God.

I believe there is a time for everything. Time changes, and you need to accept that. Else, you stagnate.

I love watching the sunrise and sunset and the sky, the birds.

Sometimes, trying to make a work of art can be very difficult and very painful.

I just want other people to know the kind of joy that I have in my life. I want other people to be able to have fun.

Even if it's a wonderful life, you wanna go somewhere and see the way other people reflect on the world and the lives that we're all living... I think regional theater is the life blood of our cultural lives.

I did not grow up singing Yiddish.

I didn't live far from where Leopold and Loeb lived on Chicago's South Side, so I had heard about them as a kid.

I'm in a constant state of gratitude.

I saw an interview that I did with someone, and I was horrified by it. And I said to my wife, 'This is unbearable how I talk.'

He was a great man. He taught himself how to walk again, to write with his left hand. My father was a hero.

I've always been someone who some people like and some people don't like.

I guess I am sometimes over the top on stage, but then, that is my personality. I'm over the top in real life, too.

Actually, the language in Shakespeare is wonderfully musical. You need to hear the music to connect with the words.

I never publicise in advance what I'm going to be singing because I never quite know until I start. I often change my mind halfway through. I sometimes throw in stuff about politics or Shakespeare or do songs in Yiddish.

I moved to New York to go to Julliard Drama School. Didn't sing a single note of music.

Peace in the Middle East isn't going to be created by another war or violent act on the other side.

In the hands of good writers, you have the opportunity to present both sides of an opinion equally and that you leave it to the audience to listen and then make up their own minds.

I'm not frightened about terrorism. I'm frightened about the roots of what we call terrorism.