When you work on a text of a lesser quality, as the interpreter or the delivery person, you are obliged to try to fill it out as you see so many people do in lesser work.

Sondheim is the Shakespeare of the musical theater world.

I try to get that across in the work, to try to, if I'm lucky, to make this world a little bit better for all of us before I check out. And that's if I'm lucky, I don't always get to have that privilege but I try always.

I'm on the board of directors for Peace Now, which works tirelessly between the Palestinians and the Israelis to create peace in the Middle East and we've never been closer.

We did a different show every night. We'd open a show, and then two weeks later we'd open the next show. And two weeks later we'd open the third show until we had all eight running. And it was just one of the richest experiences I'd ever had in my theatrical life.

I wanted to go to a liberal arts college, I wanted to have that experience.

But I loved the theatre and I was just doing theatre 24/7 and kept dropping courses because I didn't have the time and the chancellor thought that wasn't a good idea after awhile.

Isaac and I are going to Israel to ride for peace enviromental justice and a safer world for us all.

Singing in Yiddish was a great thrill for me and came about through Joe Papp, the founder of The Public Theater.

Everything I experience influences everything I do.

My mom was a great cook and great baker all her life.

I'm an obsessive hiker and I do it every day for two hours and it really helps me when it comes to learning songs or scripts.

The real world is far more hellish for all us than any fictional representation of it.

Only through loving and supporting one another, even in the face of unbearable pain and suffering, will this cycle of violence end.

I don't know what's going to happen in life, so I don't think it's fair that I know what's going to happen in 'Homeland.'

I was forced to lie to my father by doctors and relatives. I made that choice and agreed with them, and I will never, ever get over it. If I hear a lie in my life with my children, with my wife, my work, my audiences, I want to annihilate myself, vaporize myself, and wipe myself off the face of the earth.

My dream has come true, now that I have passed it on.

If I have a tombstone when it's all over, it will say, 'He tried to connect.'

There's something about singing that I just love. It makes me feel freer than anything in the world.

I don't want people to sit and process the song. I want them to just let them bathe over them.

I'm a Jew. I'm fascinated by our culture and our history, by what made us the people we are. It influences every breath I take. It informs and guides me. Without it, I'd just be a vacuum.

Music is my balance... center of my life.

Bob Hurwitz, the president of Nonesuch, the company that releases my records, is a mentor. He taught me how to assemble a script to record an album.

The way I like to work is to attach personal experiences to what I'm doing, so it helps tremendously if I can write my own play under what the writer has written.