My wife will tell you that if you feel my hands before I walk on for a performance, you could chill a bottle of wine.

The great fun for me is these collaborators. I'm nothing by myself. Being with these people, whether it's the 'Homeland' cast or stage collaborators, they make you everything you are. They make you come to work. They make you be alive.

I have never been asked to be in a movie musical. Other than 'Yentl,' which I didn't sing in.

When I'm on the road with concerts, people ask me to autograph my CDs, but more and more they come up with the cookbooks.

The songs I love to sing are story songs, from Yiddish songs to Tom Waits.

If you're sick, watch funny movies.

My inner motivation is to make the world a better place; the bad guy and the good guy think the same thing.

The biggest public mistake I ever made was that I chose to do 'Criminal Minds' in the first place.

One of the greatest gifts that 'Homeland' has given me is it's affirming on a daily basis.

During 'Chicago Hope,' I never let directors talk to me, because I was so spoiled. I started off with people like Milos Forman, Sidney Lumet, James Lapine, unbelievably gifted people. So there I was, saying, 'Don't talk to me, I don't want your opinion.' I behaved abominably.

I have the strength from my mother, the survivability. I have wonderful qualities from my mother - but please, Mother, forgive me - I heard judgment constantly about my father.

So I'm truly an actor who sings, and not a singer who acts.

I'm lyrically driven, I'm not musically driven.

I desperately want to see the day today and do the best I can not miss a shred of sunlight. It'll be over before I know it.

I'm Jewish and I can sing and I'm alive.

I'm an obsessive person. I like intensity.

I think it's fair to say I'm attracted to playing characters who are rather intense.

I have no problem with violence, I have no problem playing horrible people.

Movies were a struggle for me - they didn't come easy.

The great love of my life is music.

In my prayers every day, which are a combination of Hebrew prayers and Shakespeare and Sondheim lyrics and things people have said to me that I've written down and shoved in my pocket, I also say the name of every person I've ever known who's passed on.

I got married because I wanted to do something that was more than I understood, because my feelings were more than I understood.

I'm just an actor. I am nothing special.

You rarely pay the rent by doing Shakespeare or Ibsen.