Really, I don't like roller coasters.

My daughter doesn't even get my humor. She's like, 'Um, no. I don't get it, Dad. Mmm, no, not that one, Dad.'

My fans saw me get engaged, saw me make that woman my wife, me having kids, me divorcing, me talking about divorce before the divorce, me talking about my kids' reaction to that divorce.

You make yourself broad. You make yourself appealing. 'Hey, y'all, I'm cool with everybody.' That's my message.

I think, first of all, I don't think people understand Ice Cube's body of work. Ice Cube is a, and I hate to use the word 'urban' but - when you think of Judd Apatow, and a person who's launched so many careers, Ice Cube has done that for so many comedians, you know?

Men and women do think differently, and frankly, we don't understand each other. Not at all! But that's what makes relationships so amazing.

I don't write material. Funny things happen to me in the course of a day, and I just make notes.

I feel like whatever you've done in your career, good or bad, it's nothing but preparation for the big events to come.

I never do anything that I don't want to do.

Whatever is on the page is what I'm married to. I'm very prepared. I'm a thespian. I don't like to improv. I don't like to go off course 'cause I think that's where stuff happens. When you stick to the material 'cause it's written so well, that's where the magic happens.

I'm a businessman as well as an entertainer. The reason why is because I want to own whatever I'm doing. I don't want to work for other people forever.

I don't think comedy will ever die.

I didn't work hard to sit down and not work.

It's very rare that you get a director that lets you be creative and bring what you feel your character should do or should be.

Expect me to continue what I've been doing, which is trying to take over the world.

I know a dramatic role is going to happen, but you just got to be patient, you know? It's going to happen when it's supposed to happen. I'm not rushing it. I'm not trying to make it happen tomorrow.

I don't see how people are comfortable with seeing other people be great. You can be happy for anybody, but what is your excuse to not want to be great? These people are great because they just say, 'I'ma do that,' and they do it. That's it. There's no scientifical process.

My drive is other people's success.

Comedy's about opening up and being unique, but to a point where the audience can relate to what you're saying.

At the end of the day, I want to be part of the same conversation as Chris Rock, Eddie Murphy, Dave Chappelle, Bill Cosby and Richard Pryor.

When you're doing a film and the majority of the film is cast black, for me, it's most important to get people to view those movies as just movies, as just good movies. At the end of the day, regardless of the color of the cast, we're all doing the same thing in this business: trying to make a good film.

I am who I am. That's why my friends and peers respect and appreciate me. I don't change or cater my actions to fit my surroundings. I'm myself 24/7. People appreciate that.

I love diversity.

I'm not the most attractive fella. I'm not a Billy Dee Williams. Personality is everything.