I want to motivate people to be natural and to embrace their body and who they are.

I'm a workaholic, but I also like to vacation.

My main message is for people to live your life through love. That doesn't necessarily mean through a relationship. It could be your friends, your family, your workplace, even just walking down the street and smiling, saying 'Hi!' Embracing positivity!

I've had scenes where I had to cry, and by the time I've cried for the 20th time, I'm exhausted.

Reality TV - I'm not trying to dog it, everybody has their own thing, you know - but I didn't see it for me.

I lived in L.A., and the possibility out there is endless. I could've done reality TV! It was offered to me plenty of times. But that just wasn't where my heart was. If I wanted quick fame or quick money, I could've taken that route, but it just wasn't settling right with me.

One day, I just hit a point where I was like, 'What am I going to do with my life, with my career?' I have all of these little things going on, but what am I going to really do? And for me, I saw longevity in acting.

I really like working with someone one-on-one - my trainer kicks my butt!

I stopped eating carbs and red meat for a month and a half, and I was like, 'Oh, no, I lost my butt!' I have to eat potatoes and rice and meat to bulk up. But I do try not to eat too much fast food.

Diets don't really work for me.

I hate the treadmill.

I always wash my face at night, even if I have to use face wipes.

After I wake up, I take a shower, and that's when I wash my face.

I kind of dated a woman-ish, but there's just something about a man that's just masculine, and just there's things that women don't have that men do.

I see the good in people, and I believe in forgiveness.

I can't promote fitness tea for the rest of my life.

I love the light-brown shadow I made with Colourpop. It's a nice matte and neutral color that gives a bit of definition on the lids.

In between acting, I'm still going to be doing modeling and different ventures.

I work out three times a week with a trainer.

We just dated the same guy, and that's kind of what it is. It's always a competition thing, and they compare us, but she is Rihanna. She's a pop star, and she's beautiful - she makes great music - and I'm just me, and I'm growing and working into myself. You can't really compare us. We're two completely different girls.

I'm not about the drama.

I don't like to see men's toes - especially if they aren't groomed.

I think white socks are best with dope kicks, gives a nice clean look to match. Printed socks are okay but sometimes too much.

I loveeeeee a man in a nice pair of sweatpants or even a matching sweat outfit.