I think marriage scares a lot of men.

One time, I went to an audition, and I stated my name, and the lady was like, 'Oh, that name sounds really familiar. I've seen you on TMZ.' Her first perception of me was what she had heard.

I'm from L.A. So I move around how I want to move, you know what I'm saying?

I remember during my middle and high school days, I would only wear eyeliner, and I had to wear it every day, even if I was just going to the store.

I try my best to just ignore the negativity. Which is hard for me because it's a lot to deal with.

If I crave a burger, I'm like, 'Straight to In-N-Out.'

I went to community college for graphic design, and I loved it, but I wasn't into the school thing, so that didn't work out.

In the morning, I might have fruit or maybe oatmeal at home, or a bagel with coffee.

I think with 'Claws,' it came at such a perfect time where I really started to focus and to take myself seriously.

It's a huge turnoff when men have teeth that look like they haven't been brushed in days. Also, bad breath is awful.

Some days I'll put on a face mask for 30 minutes, and then I'll wash it off in the shower.

I get really puffy eyes, so I'm all about a good puffy-eye mask.

I would've never tried acting. I was at this point in my life where I was like, 'I have this following; what am I gonna do?' I could've done reality TV, but I didn't see any longevity in that. And my manager was like, 'Have you ever acted before?' And I was like, 'No... but I'll try it.' And so I tried it, and I liked it.

I'm a homebody.

I've been through a lot, and I've been called a lot of names.

I have a love, hate relationship with social media. I love it, because it's built a platform for many people and many business... However, there is a dark side, which is negative and hateful.

I hate sequins!

I love my brows, but I have to fill them in to look a certain way. And with the eyebrow tint, I don't have to fill them in as much.

Our hair is forever. We have to take care of it and maintain it.

I feel like all guys are the same.

In elementary school, I identified more with my Asian side. I had a lot of Korean friends, and then, once middle school hit, it was a little more diverse.

I love social media. There are a lot of benefits, and it gives us a platform for what we want to become, but there's always such a negative tone to it. You see a picture, and the first thing you see or think is a negative comment.

I never expected to become an actor at all. You can do anything you put your mind to it!

It's so hard to diet because I love food.