I came to realize, along with being attracted to girls, I had similar feelings for boys.

I don't like labels, but if you have to put a label on it, I'm a gay man.

There are problems in doing television that have been plaguing me for years. I really like to have a lot of time, to rehearse and make things as good as they can be, but television often doesn't allow for that.

'Cabaret' was the most commercial success that I've been involved in.

I always sort of saw myself as different from a musician.

There's a lot going on in the world that's very disturbing: rewriting the Holocaust; pseudo-historians rewriting history itself. And we're dealing with a terrorist mentality that involves whole nations.

You can be taking two steps forward as an actor, but if a movie doesn't make money, you might as well be taking two steps backwards. It's all about economics.

I'm always interested in the challenge of doing something new.

Collaboration is about listening to someone else and adding your own feelings about that thought.

I wasn't sure what it would take to make it in the theater, but despite the struggle, that was all I ever really wanted.

I am concerned about the musical theater, selfishly, because I love it.

The theater is the place where people create ideas and send messages out, and you learn, and I think it's a fair venue for disagreement and enlightenment.

Acting always affects every part of your life because it's such a solitary, lonely, and thrilling circumstance that you're taking on someone else's character and that responsibility. It's exhausting.

I was totally delighted, interested in, and amused by my stint on 'Voyager.'

I loved being in the theater. It was a place of enormous excitement and happiness and safety and respect and dignity. It was a place where, if you did your job, you weren't a kid - you were a full person worthy of respect from all the adults in the company.

Satisfying as that 'Cabaret' role was, it is not the only thing I do. But Hollywood is somewhat limited in its perspective about what it is you do or don't do.

I worked with a lot of leading ladies: Bebe Neuwirth, Anne Rankin, Bernadette Peters, Liza Minnelli. They're all phenomenal talents.

I'm very slow. I'm a slow learner.

When I read a script, the important thing is that I can connect in some way with that character and have some idea from what his story is that I can tell that story too, because that's all acting is, is storytelling.

I always wanted children, to be a dad. That was as important to me as being an actor.

I think everything that happens to you becomes a part of what you end up doing and being and standing for.

I really didn't feel that my motion picture career was going the way I wanted it to go.

I'm enormously sympathetic to talented people who have few roles to choose from.

I was small growing up, and to make matters worse, I wore glasses, and my mother dressed me in attention-getting outfits. I was a target of bullies.