I have a hard time watching people getting punched on screen; I have to close my eyes a lot.

I think maybe my mom thought that Katharine Hepburn would be a good role model of, like, a strong, smart, independent woman. Maybe she steered me in that direction. You know, because she was really so ahead of her time.

I am wrestling with the overalls trend. I wore so many pairs in junior high, and no one thought they were cute. Perhaps I'll try them cuffed with a tasteful crop top?

I love Opening Ceremony, Kenzo - anything Humberto Leon and Carol Lim touch. I drool over Christopher Kane, Mary Katrantzou, Delpozo, and Wes Gordon.

I am very up front about about my inability to pronounce things correctly.

My mom wouldn't know Tom Cruise if he punched her in the face.

My grandfather can barely even hear, and Chevy Chase makes a face, and he laughs.

Dan Harmon has this idea that characters on TV are allowed to talk about their favorite movies and TV shows and songs.

I did live in New York. Yeah, I moved to L.A. for 'Community.' And I gave up my apartment in New York.

I've been getting into drinking smoothies in the morning - I like those a lot.

I really like the concept of, like, slowing down and savoring your food, enjoying it.

I feel like so often I'm just, like, running around and eating in the car, which is, like, not good, or eating as I'm walking down the street.

'Dancing on My Own' is actually a really sad song! It has totally made me cry.

I used to like to make myself sad, so I would listen to Bill Callahan as Smog.

I had my life Monday through Friday in school, and then I had my 'real life,' which was my acting class on Saturday.

No one in my school liked me.

Thinking back about throwing myself at certain gentlemen that had no interest in me, that'll bring a blush to my face if I think about it too often.

I know other actors who are relieved when their shows get cancelled, and I've never felt that way about 'Community.'

I love discovering new young brands and watching these fashion lines take off, like Peter Pilotto, Christopher Kane, and Clover Canyon.

We all wish there were more 'Bridesmaids' out there.

Craig Robinson is basically the mayor of wherever he goes.

My mom wouldn't let me buy clothes she didn't like, so I dressed like a middle-aged woman in high school.

While I love film and want to continue to pursue it 100 percent, my home is TV.

No actor wants to choose - they just want all of the options available to them all the time; we tend to be pretty greedy.