There were definitely bands and musicians I liked that drove my mother insane. I probably liked them all the more for it! Bjork drove my mom nuts. What I listened to was actually pretty mom-friendly for the most part. I wasn't very rebellious.

A movie that I've seen probably the most is 'Fanny & Alexander,' the Ingmar Bergman movie. I even dragged my friends to the super long version that had an intermission. I don't know how much they liked me that day.

I feel like the Internet has embraced the pizza dance. I feel appreciated for once in my life.

I think when you have some success as a kid, your notion of being a good actor is pleasing the director, doing exactly what they tell you to do.

I'm not conservative, but I am kind of clean living in my own life.

Actors get bored.

I've thought a lot about how if something horrible happened, and if it were like 'The Road' situation, I've decided I don't want to survive past the death of society as we know it.

I've gotten super into restaurants in L.A., so I try to go to different restaurants all the time... that's a good way to explore L.A.: you can drive to a restaurant and discover a new neighborhood.

A lot of my friends are guys, so I'm used to bro antics.

I think 'Glee' was a freshman comedy, and I think whenever it's your debut season, you get compared a lot to the other shows, regardless if there's any sort of overlap in content or tone or anything, just because you came out in the same year.

In sixth grade, we all had to write this opinion paper. Most wrote about things like why we should be able to chew gum in class - I wrote about why women should receive equal pay.

You can convey a lot of emotion with just some eyebrows and mouth movement.

I think there's a sort of satisfaction in defying people's expectations.

I troll Instagram,,

I had kissed a girl in the second season of 'Community,' but that was my first time kissing a girl ever, and I was so nervous, I almost knocked Brit Marling's teeth out.

I had some years of definite frustration. Auditioning and not working as much as I would have liked to, or working and being paid a pittance, and sort of scrounging by in New York and sleeping on a chair that folded out into a bed.

'Fresh Air' I listen to, like, every day.

I keep reminding myself, through all the ups and downs of 'Community,' that I might never have another job that really means something to people the way 'Community' means something to people. That's more powerful than ratings.

We're all alone in this world.

I can't tell you the number of people that are like, 'Has anyone ever told you you look like a blonde Liv Tyler?' And at this point, I'm like, 'Yes... yes, I've been told that.' I mean, she's beautiful. It's not like I'm not totally flattered by it, but then again, I think I look like myself.

When I was a teenager, the biggest heartthrob was Tab Hunter. He was in every movie out of Warner Bros. until he was exposed as gay, and his career faded. That was an object lesson. I knew I must protect my sexual orientation.

I was four years old when Pearl Harbor was bombed on December 7, 1941 by Japan, and overnight, the world was plunged into a world war. America suddenly was swept up by hysteria.

I love being an actor.

It'd be nice to be what they call a Renaissance man.