When I am travelling or shooting outdoors, and if there is no gym around, I do pull-ups. If there is a bar somewhere, I manage push-ups, squats, and generally I just sweat it out in the room or my vanity van. But I make sure my workout regime is never hampered at any cost!

There is a beauty of seeing a picture and making out what the story behind it might be.

When I was a kid, I loved having muffins and cupcakes and I still like them with coffee.

I can't imagine childhood without 'Planet of the Apes.' I was nine or ten when the first one came out.

I love the simple poetry of theater, where you can stand in a spotlight on a stage and wrap a coat around you, and say, 'It was 1860 and it was winter...'

When I decided that I might want to do acting for a living - I don't know where it really came from, since there was no school play or any of that - my mom gave me her blessing. I had to get a scholarship - that was the only way I could have gone to drama school.

I just think political correctness is crap.

You take what you know, and you put it through your own prism. If I play characters that break down or cry, it's Gary Oldman crying; it's not the character crying.

Over the years, I have been asked to play these sort of scary frenetic characters that express their emotions physically.

I tend to read non-fiction.

That's what sets apart one actor from another, and that you can't teach. You can't give someone that. When you're working, putting a character together, or in a scene, that's where things will happen that you have to have the intuition to notice them, and to register them.

I took a bit of a back seat, I had kids and I wanted to focus on them. There's that period in the late '90s, the early 2000s, where I didn't do a great deal.

On set I keep myself to myself; I'd rather the director speak up. I'm not gonna direct a younger actor. I think the power of example works best, actually.

Overall I enjoy a certain anonymity. I live a very normal, very ordinary life.

I'm rarely asked to play the smartest man in the room.

I was never really that interested in the punk movement. I was a blues guy: I liked Motown, James Brown.

I don't think Hollywood knows what to do with me. I would imagine that when it comes to romantic comedies, my name would be pretty low down on the list.

I'm still a member of the Empire! Although I sometimes feel like an American with a British accent - you get contaminated after so long.

I didn't do drugs. It wasn't my thing. But the drink was terrible. Today when I look back, it's like I was another person. You could call it a coping mechanism, but that would be an excuse. I just drank too much.

We lived in a flat that you could pretty much fit in my current kitchen. No wonder people drink! I can't understand why they don't throw themselves off the balconies.

'Nil By Mouth' was a bit autobiographical, but as I always pointed out at the time, that's not my dad.

I want my weekends off and I want to put my kids to bed. Those are good reasons to want to be in 'Batman 2'.

I did have a knack for playing weirdos. There's still sort of this perception of me out there as being this crazy guy.

Well, I needed the work - that's the honest answer. I haven't worked for a while, a couple of years. So I thought it would be nice to get back to work and earn some money.