I am not finicky at all regarding my appearance.

I am the kind of person who likes taking one step at a time and raising the bar with each film.

Wherever the wind blows me, I'll go! My eventual goal is to have enough experience to produce something on my own.

Being a part of the Bollywood industry gives you to the kind of exposure that's unimaginable. You also tap into this experience of technical expertise that this industry has been carrying along for several years. I didn't take part in the industry with an agenda in mind. If it happens, great.

I'm an improvisational actor. I like to do my own thing. But once in a while, I think you should have the self-restraint to let someone else dictate the story.

Almost every story has a romantic angle to it.

I choose films preferably based on content, and then I see the kind of team I have to work with.

A lot of men tend to mix a couple of fragrances and smell like a flower garden. Avoid!

I don't think a multi-starrer or a solo film has anything to do with your choice of films. That is a bit of a primitive concept, really. Yes, you might want to keep a healthy balance, but that has more to do with the kind of roles you are playing.

Playing interesting characters makes me feel alive.

I can't even begin to describe what kind of a response 'Humsafar' got. Personally, I feel my other show, 'Zindagi Gulzar Hai,' was better, but it didn't match the success of 'Humsafar.'

I always consider myself as good as my last film. I tend to analyse my work very critically.

I am the worst strategist ever.

I feel - and this goes back to social media and freedom of speech - when you're on a public platform, and you put something out there in front of people who don't know you, they might just perceive it in a very different way altogether.

As a musician, I have sung, composed, and played instruments, and a lesser-known fact is that I have composed 20-30 ad jingles as well.

With social media, I think it becomes a little more intrusive. People have more access to you. It's obviously very flattering, all the love and affection that you get, and then there's also the downside of it: sometimes things don't go your way.

I do give interviews, but I am generally media-shy because I am an introvert by nature.

I self-taught myself music at 19-20.

Growing up, I loved films like 'A Streetcar Named Desire' and 'On the Waterfront' and became a huge fan of Marlon Brando.

I am an immature person, and I am very lazy, too.

I've been penniless. I've had to struggle a bit. But now I enjoy thinking about that because it just makes me feel better about my achievements.

I think I've managed to Forrest Gump my way though life.

I don't like it when people remain glued to their phones while talking, so I have no apps on mine.

I like to discuss my condition publicly because if I, with this disability, am able to fulfill some of my ambitions, so can other diabetics.