I am diabetic. So diet control is a pre-given for me.

Comfort and simplicity are two keys that I follow when it comes to fashion.

One time, I took a woman on a deserted island, and we lived like Mother Nature for 10 days.

To me, people are people. If a woman has a beautiful soul, and she's a celebrity, that's great. But she can be a secretary or a person working at Kmart. I don't care.

Your mind is very powerful, and your soul knows what's best for you. So the more in contact you are with your soul, the more you know your path.

I'm a deep person. I'm not a superficial person at all.

I was like, 'I would like to see everybody dress beautifully.'

I always have a love for clothes.

It's very hard for people that live in the small towns to be able to buy a certain kind of clothes because they're not available to them, you know. They only see them in beautiful magazines.

You have to be a low-class scumbag to start calling a woman a name. If you're a man, you should never. You should be a gentleman.

As men, we have the illusion that we run the world.

I grew up in Milan during the golden age of designers. There was fashion all around.

I think health is the most important thing.

Always invest your money in the best food out there, and it's going to pay off in the long run.

As a kid, I was never into sweets, and I never really drank.

Life is a long marathon, and you have to be consistent. Anyone can sprint for 1500 meters, but you have pace yourself through your entire life.

You can't take yourself too seriously. You have to be secure and make fun of yourself.

Life is short, and you have to have fun with it, you know?

I want to bring more lawv and romance into the society.

I believe, in life, you always get a second chance.

To me, the future of TV and movies is going to be 3-D animation.

There are few things I've never done in my life.

I try to limit myself to one hour of sun each day.

Your body should be treated like a Lamborghini.