Stories matter to me. I look for a good script, story, and a strong part.

Commercials are 20 seconds long, so you don't get to experiment with your characters. But in films, you get to try out your acting skills.

I was more of a commercial model. I wasn't into ramp walks or photo shoots.

I look forward to being part of the ASUS family and its fascinating growth journey in India.

Work is important, no doubt, but one can end up neglecting family and friends in the bargain. So I have resolved not to let that happen and maintain work-life balance by taking time out for the people who matter the most to me.

From being a nobody in the industry to getting so much love, it has been an amazing journey.

We have freedom of speech, and anybody's idea can't be a fact.

I don't take others' views seriously because that isn't a fact. I do respect everyone's view, but I am not affected.

If I am writing down something and it is my idea, my imagination, it won't be fact.

As I grew up, I started practising gymnastics. I love dancing as well. So that keeps me fit.

I was always into sports, and as a sportsperson, you need to be fit to survive and play from start to finish.

I follow a routine on a daily basis, which comprises dance class, gymnastics, and going to the gym. I also spend about half an hour on yoga, too.

It is very difficult for me to accept the fact that I am acting in front of the camera.

Neeraj Pandey is a very smart director.

People assume that acting is an easy job. When you actually do it, you know how hard that is.

Priyanka Chopra has made a huge impact on me.

It was a very big decision when I decided to leave B. Tech to come to Mumbai. But they were always supportive. At one point, I felt I shouldn't do it. My mother encouraged me then.

My house was a place where there was no difference between being a boy or a girl.

My father made me very tough.

I grew up with a sister and a younger brother in a house where every evening was spent performing a dance routine in front of our parents with my sister.

I don't have newspapers in my house. I have a news application which only gives me important news, no Bollywood. So even if there is some report about me, I don't know.

I got the opportunity, and I grabbed it, and slowly, I started finding a lot of interest in acting.

I think diet plays an important role before any beauty and skincare regime. Taking care of what you eat and drinking lots of water throughout the day always come first.

I want to be a part of 'Avengers'; they can make me the Hulk! I want to do a superhero film.