It's not that I don't want to do commercial films, but if my part is just to look pretty, I'm not up for it. I'd do a role that expresses something. It's not that I don't want to look good, but give me a part where I have scope to perform.

I am looking for strong characters rather than being just a pretty girl. Actresses can do so much more than looking good.

Most actresses have multiple commitments, from films to endorsements, that require us to maintain a particular look over a long period. Hence, there is never an opportunity to experiment with hair, so we just settle for a neutral look that we can work with across projects.

Anything that is related to my work will affect me. If someone tells me they didn't like my performance, it will affect me.

I have a professional life, and so does the media. Let's face it: how can they come up with new gossip every day? So, they have to make stuff up about someone's personal life, which is fine.

If you feel comfortable and cool in particular clothes, then that is fashion according to me.

I prefer wearing comfortable clothes.

I don't think I am an icon. My team works hard on my look; I just wear what they suggest.

I myself get nervous when I write something on social media. I make sure I don't write anything wrong.

I am learning aerobics and gymnastics, so I would love to do an action film.

From my childhood, I have watched a lot of action films, and I am a big fan of Jackie Chan.

In Bollywood, on an average, movies are made in six months or a year, but Puri completed 'Loafer' in two months.

It doesn't matter if I am the lead or a man is the lead actor in a film. What really matters to me is that I give my 100 per cent to my job.

I don't understand this concept of women-oriented films or stories based on women, because nobody uses the term, a 'man-oriented' film. Why do you have to separate girls from boys?

For me, acting is an art.

I am mostly concerned about the script. If I get something that excites me, I will do it.

I am an actress. My first film was a Telugu film, my second film was Bollywood, and third was Indo-Chinese.

I wash my face with a good cleanser and then dab some rose water on my face. I do this before I head to bed.

Conditioning is very important when it comes to hair. One should oil hair on a regular basis for hair nourishment.

I believe that cleansing and hydrating is extremely important, especially with the environment's condition and the pollution around.

I don't really wear sarees and suits.

When it comes to fashion, follow your instinct.

Jackie Chan is the best storyteller on this planet.

I follow dancers like Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce, as they are in my zone, but when it comes to Indian dancing, I am a huge Madhuri Dixit fan.