I try to find more interesting material with each project I do.

I love to go see films, even on my own. I just walk to the nearest cinema. There's nothing better than watching a movie alone; you can just sit there and zone in.

Darren Aronofsky is on another level. You get lost in a scene, and he'll come over and whisper something in your ear, and suddenly everything makes sense.

I love clothes and do sort of change my wardrobe a lot. But a thousand dollar jacket? I'd rather spend it on an experience, like traveling.

When I do my own wardrobe, I try to wear a designer from each of the countries I'm visiting: Tom Ford for New York, Hugo Boss for Germany, Burberry for England.

I'm pretty romantic.

For me, if Shakespeare was around today, he'd be writing screenplays - a big Hollywood movie.

Dickens writes such brilliant characters and stories, and his themes and social commentary are still so relevant. I think that's why he's still so loved today.

I may not have seen my girlfriend for two or three months, but then we can spend two or three months together solidly. It's swings and roundabouts.

I took up drama and did so much extracurricular work, like the National Youth Theatre and Guildhall's Saturday school. Acting is where I felt most comfortable and how I wanted to express myself.

The British actors I've met and worked with have all been very supportive of each other.

I've never been aware of the difference between so-called posh actors and working-class actors.

If a rock band throws a TV set out of a hotel window, it's seen as anti-Establishment.

What annoys people is the idea that somebody has everything, and they're allowed to get away with anything. It's the sense of entitlement that gets up people's noses.

David Cameron was a good-looking chap in his day!

My friends joke I'm a 90-year-old stuck in a young man's body.

I can play the trumpet. Before I became an actor, I wanted to be the next Louis Armstrong. I started young and got to grade seven. When I turned 13, everyone started whipping out guitars, looking cool and joining rock bands, so I stopped playing.

It's great to fall head over heels in love at a fast pace, and nothing's more romantic, but you need to look after yourself.

Communication is important.

Some people call me Dougie Fresh. I don't know why.

I bike everywhere.

I loved 'Harry Potter' growing up. I'm dyslexic and a slow reader, but I could get through the thick ones in days!

I loved 'Gladiator' when I was young. Russell Crowe was a big inspiration; the fact that he plays my father in 'Noah' was amazing.

I love the challenge of playing characters forced on life-changing emotional journeys. To work on a project with Billy Crudup and Sam Rockwell is just a dream come true.