Singing has been a passion of mine, equal to or greater than acting, ever since I was very small.

I honestly think what skyrocketed me into professionalism was learning how to play two people and still live through the day.

When I'm acting, I just come up with people I've known, and I stick with it.

I had the longest awkward phase. I had braces for 3 years; I cut my own bangs too far back and they looked like a bowl cut, and I broke my nose twice.

Once, in high school, on a field trip away from school, some girls brought razors to shave their legs and threw them at me and told me to kill myself. But they were all insecure. They were angry, snapping at everybody.

Everything is just so much more romantic and real when it's yours and it's private.

I grew up without a television, so when I went to L.A., it was sort of, you know, a lot to take in, but it actually suited me more than where I was from, so I sort of had that 'home away from home' feeling, and L.A. is definitely home now.

Right when 'Liv and Maddie' had started, there was no roadmap for how to do a show where one girl played two. It's just not something that is often done, so we had nothing to refer to.

I have always felt like I was just sort of waiting to catch up to the rest of myself.

I'm a really big fan of all things macabre in general; Halloween happens to be my favorite holiday.

I'm never not planning for my future house. Most of the files on my laptop are devoted to different rooms in my dream house. I'm embarrassing.

'Liv and Maddie' actually started out as a different show called 'Bits and Pieces,' and it was a completely different plot, although it was the same cast.

When I was younger, I barely left my room because I was busy watching clips of my favorite actors and performers on the Internet.

I would just say that human beings are stronger together. Relying on someone else is not a sign of weakness; it shows strength that you're able to accept that you need help.

Edgar Allan Poe, I think he's a brilliant poet. I was actually given a copy of his work when I was, like, 8 years old that was my grandfather's, and I still carry it around with me.

'Hairspray' has never been irrelevant, which is, in some ways, heartbreaking.

I actually started snowboarding when I was 7 years old, so I felt very comfortable auditioning for a snowboarding movie, and I thought that would give me some leg up.

I love 'Extreme Makeover Home Edition.' It feeds my Fantasy Dream Home monster that lives inside of me.

I love the snow! I actually cannot stand the beach.

I personally believe in progress. I think one of the most debilitating and harming things you can do to a child is to keep them in the dark.

'Liv and Maddie' didn't start out as a twin show. I actually played a different character in the beginning, and it was neither of the twins.

'Barely Lethal' is a non-Disney project, and is with Samuel L. Jackson, Hailee Steinfeld, and Jessica Alba. It is a really, really phenomenal film.

I don't know that there's any rhyme or reason to bullying... it's not even the bully's fault, which is why it's such a difficult thing to combat.

I don't want to have to think about what is right; I want to live right. And what that means to me is going to be different to some of my fans, some of their parents, and some other role models.