There are bathroom singers, but I am a bathroom painter. In other words, my art will stay inside the four walls of my house.

I'm not satisfied in the sense I am not looking for any roles, but I do make peace with myself saying that 'I am not the best in the world.' But I have tried to give my best, and I want to get better.

I am a gypsy, basically.

I travel a lot; I go hunting for antiques.

I have realised that it has become essential to promote your film. God forbid, if a film doesn't run, I shouldn't be blamed for that.

I like a slower pace of life.

I have done fewer films than I should have. No regrets. I wanted to be at home.

I love playing poker, reading, and painting.

If I am not excited about a project, then how do I expect my audience to watch my film? Give me good roles, and I will be working round the clock.

People call me fussy, but that's a fallacy.

There is certainly no formula of making a successful film, but there are means to make a sensible film.

I often meet directors who want to cast me as the protagonist, but if the rest of the characters are not strong enough, the film is bound to fall flat on a creative level.

I love driving.

I like all kinds of music, be it old Hindi movie songs or English classics.

I was lucky that my first movie itself established me as an actress.

I made my film debut in 1973.

I will continue to give justice to do whatever I want to and like to do.

I don't mind talking about my professional career, but I hate interviews if I have to answer a stupid question about personal matters.

I don't like questions that delve into my personal life.

People who know me know that I am very clumsy, always fumbling, and I talk rubbish most of the times.

Actors used to concentrate on acting, but today they are businessmen, too, and think about the numbers game as well. They multi-task very well. It's admirable that they have this ability.

As a viewer, I decide when I see the promo of a film whether I want to watch it or not. No amount of marketing can convince me otherwise.

I'm a very open person, and I am not ashamed of it being out there. It's part of life.

I got more than my share in life; a little more wouldn't hurt.