The challenge itself is to exceed certain high standards you've set for yourself.

Women sometimes get so caught up in life... their marriage takes over their life, their relatives take over their life, and then they forget who they are.

My journey with Rajesh Khanna was good, thrilling... a roller coaster ride. I feel honoured to have two children with him.

I get attracted to different things. I have a different take on everything. I like to do different things. I don't like the regular stuff.

I was never a 'Mills and Boon' kind of a person.

I don't get too much work to begin with, and whatever I get is mostly not good enough.

Every life is special.

I think Ranbir Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, and Ranveer Singh are doing a fabulous job.

I really swung between the extremes. From the danger of being ostracised by the society, I almost overnight found myself as virtually the darling of the millions.

It's always exciting starting a new film.

Being a creative person, I'm naturally drawn towards art of any kind. But I'm more attracted to paintings because they radiate an aura of their own.

Hrithik Roshan is excellent - he is miles ahead of everybody in passion and dedication.

People feel I look younger than my age. I don't feel that way.

It is a pleasure if you pull out all your clothes out of the wardrobe and manage to fit into everything easily.

Everyone has problems.

To me, Valentine's Day is not merely limited to a lover but speaks of universal love.

Our family was always together. Whenever Kakaji needed something or wanted to discuss some issue, he would always bring it up with us. Certain things happened that brought us closer.

For me, antiques are a passion.

I believe that life begins at 50.

Where can I earn money if not from my work? We do some films for money and some for creative satisfaction.

I can dress down, but I can't dress up. I'm not a great one for glitter.

If there has to be one favourite actor of mine, it has to be Rajesh Khanna.

I have been a loner... even when I was working, you would hardly see me at any parties - unless once a year, if I have to attend some big function.

I became a wife at 15 and was a mother of two at 18.