Julio Cesar Chavez is the most important sporting figure we have ever had.

There's a big debate in the U.S. about immigration reform. We need to reflect on who's feeding this country today, why this community has been ignored.

When I was 12, I used to be the best friend of the most beautiful girls, but just the best friend. They would always come to me to cry about a guy who broke their heart, and I would just be sitting there thinking, 'I wish I was the guy and not the best friend.'

I was the happiest kid ever, but I did choose to live around adults and today, now that I have a kid, I don't know if I would let him do it.

For me, the relationship with my father is the most important thing that I have.

When I was a kid, if I liked something from merchandising, I'd have to go to the toy store.

My father became completely responsible for my education and for raising me.

The first fight I ever saw live was the first Castillo-Corrales match in Las Vegas in 2005.

When I saw 'Incendios,' it changed the way I looked at my life... and my family. It was very strong. I believe that theater has that power.

The first time I heard the Mars Volta, I had a feeling I was experiencing something that people must have felt when they first heard Led Zeppelin. They have the same kind of power.

Many of my favourite hotels are in London. I like the Covent Garden Hotel and I stayed at Blakes last time I was in London. I like the feeling of warmth and homeliness that you get from both of those places.

I saw 'A New Hope' on my Vidamax because I came a little late to the party.

Every time I come to the States, I wish people would react to war like they react to tobacco, for example. Because war really kills in a second lots of people, thousands of people.

You exorcise the things that haunt you. That's one good thing about any artistic discipline.

When I was a teenager, I went on an organised three-day tour of Rome. It was the worst experience ever. I promised myself that I would never travel like that again, with someone telling you what to see and what not to see.

I was raised an orphan... My mother died when I was 2 years old.

I hope we see more stories where the heroes are real heroes, real people that don't need weapons or super powers to change people's lives.

Sadly, there are a lot of ignorant people that have access to a microphone.

What we have in Mexico and Latin America is a wide diversity of voices, but in Mexico, for example, we haven't been able to get a lot of the movies into theaters.

As producers, we choose who to work with and what films to get involved with. There's no rule, but it has to come from an honest place. It has to come from a necessity.

We should be talking about celebrating our differences, understanding that those differences make us richer and stronger.

It's tough to say where I live. There are some bills that get to the house in L.A., some to the house in Mexico, and some to the house of my father - so I never lose track of those.

I would say doing film is all about trust and conviction. It's about believing in an idea.

In theater, you are there, you have a character, you have a play, you have a light, you have a set, you have an audience, and you're in control, and every night is different depending on you and the relationship with the other actors. It's as simple as that.