If I'd known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself.

There are no sure answers, only better questions.

All that nipping and tucking doesn't make you look younger - only stranger.

The thing I'm most proud of is my family, the way they've turned out.

I cannot live alone.

Working with my son was like falling off a log. I had so much fun doing it.

A lot of actors seem to dislike typecasting these days. The funny thing is, that's a fairly recent development. It used to be that actors wanted to be typecast so audiences could remember them and identify with them.

Once you're dead, your worries are over.

I have a beautiful, young wife who sings and dances, so there's a lot of duetting going on at my house.

Everyone should dance. And everyone should sing. People say, 'Well, I can't sing.' Everybody can sing. That you do it badly is no reason not to sing.

It's more in my nature to be optimistic, I think. I'm one of those people who gets up on the right side of the bed in the morning.

Somebody sent me a British magazine listing the 20 worst dialects ever done in movies. I was No. 2, with the worst Cockney accent ever done. No. 1 was Sean Connery, because he uses his Scottish brogue no matter what he's playing.

In Bernie Sanders, I see a man saying that the emperor has no clothes while everyone around him insists they see clothes. Whether or not he makes it to the White House, I hope and pray that everyone hears the alarm he is sounding now; it may be the last voice we ever hear.

I didn't even start dancing until I was in my thirties, and it was like flying.

I've made peace with insecurity... because there is no security of any kind.

In the best of all worlds, the producers would take some responsibility for the kinds of things they're putting out. Unfortunately, they don't.

My career is over. I'm just playing now and having a great time. I like to keep busy, and I'm doing what's fun for me.

I've always been a bit of an orphan, because actors say, 'Well, he's more of a dancer.' And dancers say, 'No. He's really a singer.' And singers say, 'No. He's an actor.'

Emotionally, I'm about 13.

Jon Stewart kills me. I love him. And Bill Maher. He does an hour on HBO. But entirely political. It is awfully rough, but he does make me laugh.

I got into a Broadway show before I ever sang and danced. I learned how after I got in the show.

My wife, as proud as she was of me, hated show business for good reasons. There was something about the spouse always being pushed out of the way, shoved aside. She wanted to get away from it.

I get little kids who recognize me from 'Mary Poppins,' and it just delights me because it's our third generation.

I watch 'Al Jazeera.' They have news that you can't find anywhere else. They do great documentaries, too.