A lot of violence, a lot of gore in it, and I just didn't want to do that kind of thing.

I don't play golf. I have more fun singing and dancing.

For some reason, as time gets short in life, wasting time escaping through entertainment bothers me.

My father made about $25 a week. We always lived just on the edge.

I think the saddest moment in my life just happened two months ago. My old nightclub partner passed away, Phil Erickson down in Atlanta. He - I owe him everything. He put me in the business and taught me about everything I know.

I learned everything that I know about comedy and about show business and a lot about life from Carl.

As for my studies in school, I was a solid student. I was strong in English and Latin, but I got lost anytime the subject included math. I wish I had paid more attention to biology and science in general, subjects that came to interest me as an adult. I could have gotten better marks, but I never took a book home, never did homework.

Somebody asked what I wanted on my gravestone. I'm just going to put: 'Glad I Could Help.'

I've retired so many times now it's getting to be a habit.

But I wish they would make a musical of some kind. I miss musicals so much. You don't see them anymore.

Put me on solid ground and I'll start tapping! At my age they say to keep moving.

I can't work with my brother without laughing.

I think it's being thrown at the wolves, we call it in our business.

There's a lot of very funny people I'd love to work with that I've never met, of course. I love Steve Martin and Jim Carrey.

Pandering to the scandal hungry public is a total lack of responsible journalism.

I've had a lot of writers, in particular, who said they got into writing because of the 'Van Dyke Show.' They said it looked like fun.

I married somebody half my age, and everybody thought I was crazy, but she is just an absolute angel.

I don't have any children; I have four middle-aged people.

But once we got on the air, everybody except Morey Amsterdam pretty much stuck to the script.

I worked nightclubs all through my 20s, and I was a teetotaler.

I turned down some movies that were quite good. mainly on the basis of taste.

I'm always announcing my retirement. I'm still not retired.

Bob Hope, like Mark Twain, had a sense of humor that was uniquely American, and like Twain, we'll likely not see another like him.

Do you know that I was the anchor on the 'CBS Morning Show?' And my newsman was Walter Cronkite.