All of the characters on 'Doom Patrol' explore traumatic pasts, how to deal with those pasts, and how that affects their present and their future.

I would have had a much different story to tell if I had been imprisoned after being separated from my family, without a warm bed and only the cold faces of ICE agents and the crinkly feeling of a Mylar blanket.

Some people have issues in their past that might make them tweak out at certain moments, but it's possible to snap back and be a real human being.

I think people want immigration reform. I think people want to see a path for citizenship. I don't think we as a country want to discuss this in the way we do. I don't think we want to separate families. I don't think that's part of our values.

I so desperately wanted to fit in. There was a trajectory, and obviously, our society tells us that you go to high school, you graduate, and then you go to college, and from there, you get an internship, you get a job, and some people study abroad, and there are so many things you see that you desperately want to be a part of.

I always wanted to, to the smallest detail, make my parents proud.

I dreamed of being an artist.

I loved to sing and dance and play-act, and I always believed that my dream to become an actor would come true because my immigrant parents had taught me to believe in the American dream.

We have a lot of comments on the news, we have a lot of rhetoric over what an immigrant is and what a deportee is, but you don't hear any real stories. I don't think we ever had the chance to really tell our side.

We should be a nation that welcomes immigrants, keeps families together, and ensures that everyone gets a fair day in court.

Deporting asylum seekers back to violence does not reflect the values of our country.

We need to be investing in resources, like Women Step Forward, to provide immigrants with trusted information about their rights and options.

Growing up without my parents by my side is a weight I still carry today.

My parents instilled a lot of American values in me. They encouraged me to work hard and told me that anything was possible for me because I was a citizen.

My family is broken.

As much as it's been difficult to tell my story over and over again, it has been the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I am representing my community, in a sense, especially given the fact that there are not as many Latino actors out there.

My job as an actor is to be visible and to tell stories.

I want to present the immigrant community in more of a real light.

Even kids who haven't had firsthand experience with the immigration system, I want them to know how families are affected and what kind of system is in place.

I don't think you're ever ready to read your life back to yourself and try to make it entertaining for others.

I so desperately wanted to be honest, and I so desperately wanted to love myself and accept myself for who I was.

I want immigration reform to come into fruition, and I want it to be comprehensive, and I want it to have a path to citizenship, and I want to be involved politically every day.

I went through depression, which is something that we don't often talk about when we look at undocumented communities and deported families.