"Nothing is worse than to finish a good shit, then reach over and find the toilet paper container empty. Even the most horrible human being on earth deserves to wipe his ass."

"The fuckers. There, I feel better. God-damned human race. There, I feel better."

"Of course it's possible to love a human being if you don't know them too well."

"An artist is a person first."

"A choice tells the world what is most important to a human being. When a man has a "choice "to make he chooses what is most important to him, and that choice tells the world what kind of a man he is."

"Kindness and compassion towards all living things is a mark of a civilized society. Conversely, cruelty, whether it is directed against human beings or against animals, is not the exclusive province of any one culture or community of people."

"The picket line is the best place to train organizers. One day on the picket line is where a man makes his commitment. The longer on the picket line, the stronger the commitment. A lot of workers think they make their commitment by walking off the job when nobody sees them. But you get a guy to walk off the field when his boss is watching and, in front of the other guys, throw down his tools and march right to the picket line, that is the guy who makes our strike. The picket line is a beautiful thing because it makes a man more human."

"What we do know absolutely is that human lives are worth more than grapes and that innocent-looking grapes on the table may disguise poisonous residues hidden deep inside where washing cannot reach."

"I've always maintained that it isn't the form that's going to make the difference. It isn't the rule or the procedure or the ideology, but it's human beings that will make it."

"When any person suffers for someone in greater need, that person is a human."

"The strike and the boycott, they have cost us much. What they have not paid us in wages, better working conditions, and new contracts, they have paid us in self-respect and human dignity."

"If you win non-violently, then you have a double victory, you have not only won your fight, but you remain free."

"However important the struggle is and however much misery and poverty and degradation exist, we know that it cannot be more important than one human life."

"My stepson is a caring, considerate, worthy human being."

"After such mornings he returned to the show with relief. It eased him to push through the crowds of people. The noise, the rank stinks, the shouldering contact of human flesh soothed his jangled nerves."

"But no value has been put on human life; it is given to us free and taken without being paid for. What is it worth? If you look around, at times the value may seem to be little or nothing at all."

"The human heart is a lonely hunter-but the search for us southerners is more anguished....."

"Because in some men it is in them to give up everything personal at some time, before it ferments and poisons--throw it to some human being or some human idea. They have to."

"Education is the leading of human souls to what is best, and making what is best out of them."

"No human being, however great, or powerful, was ever so free as a fish."

"That country is the richest which nourishes the greatest number of noble and happy human beings."

"No human being, however great, or powerful, was ever so free as a fish"

"A book is proof that humans are capable of working magic."

"You could just as well say that an agnostic is a deeply religious person with at least a rudimentary knowledge of human fallibility."