The permanent mission of Cuba to the United Nations wishes to protest strongly at the arbitrary decision and to state that it disagrees completely with the pretexts given.

I hope you will give your full backing to all points of the strategy I have outlined. Let us ensure the United Nations play its role in this fight to the full,

This is a house of peace and we work in the interest of all nations and this kind of activity is not something that anyone can condone, ... I appeal to them to desist and use other means to raise their complaints.

I know that I speak for the whole world in offering them my heartfelt sympathy and any assistance that the United Nations can give, ... We will be happy to work with other parts of the international community to support the efforts of President Bush and his administration, the American Red Cross, and other U.S. relief organizations who have been our partners in the past.

It seems at times like a nightmare from which we are still hoping to awake, except that for millions of people in 12 affected countries, spanning two continents, and for tens of thousands of visitors from nations around the world, this nightmare is devastatingly real,

We need to decide our priorities. And we must adapt our United Nations so that in the future, those priorities are reflected in clear and prompt decisions leading to real change in people's lives. That my friend is what the people expect of us -- let us not disappoint them.

We must resolve, even more firmly, to build nations within which people of different communities can coexist, and enjoy equal rights,

Why did we lose Brexit? Why, because 60 per cent of youth didn't believe they needed to go and vote.

More dangerous than voting for change... is that people no longer vote because they have lost trust not only in governments but in democracy.

The idea that if governments open up and become more democratic they will fall is a false dilemma.

We need better measures of people's expectations and levels of satisfaction, of how they spend their time, of their relations with other people... We need to focus on stocks as much as on flows, and we need to broaden the range of assets that we consider important to sustain our well-being.

Economic resources are not all that matter in people's lives.

It is not good to cut exports or imports.

Uncertainty and fears of social decline and exclusion have reached the middle class in many societies.

It will be crucial the E.U. and the U.K. maintain the closest economic relationship possible.

Israel has been doing very well, but there are challenges the country faces, like poverty and social integration of the Orthodox, Arab, Beduin, and Ethiopian population, which will be essential for sustaining strong growth over time.

Israel is a producer of growth.

Israel should share its great wealth with its neighbors, like the Palestinians, in areas like governance and investment as well as the building of institutions.

I say just put a big fat tax on carbon.

The euro is going to continue to be the largest single trading block.

I think there are going to be more countries joining the euro.

We are totally schizophrenic. We are trying to reduce emissions, and we subsidize the consumption of fossil fuels.

We need to achieve zero emissions from fossil fuel sources by the second half of the century. That doesn't mean by 2050 exactly, but it means by that time we need to be pretty much on the way to achieving it.

Some challenges remain, but the bottom line is that low-carbon options can and should play a much greater role in energy supply.