Coal is the most carbon-intensive fuel available for electricity generation. The most urgent threat to climate policy is the scale of new investments in unabated coal-fired electricity generation still being planned.

Ensuring a better future for all South Africans will require increased access to higher education, a stronger and fairer labour market, deeper participation in regional markets, and a regulatory framework that fosters entrepreneurship and allows small businesses to thrive.

Japan's future prospects depend on ensuring fiscal sustainability over the long term.

One of the greatest challenges of democracies today is the question of financing campaigns. It's a tremendous challenge. Obviously I think the solution is to have the governments pay for all the campaigns and not to have any private contributions.

Our mission is to make the world economy work better.

We are dealing with the greater challenges of globalisation. It is generating, in many cases, an increase in the levels of inequality in societies... that is undesirable.

Integrity delivers better lives.

If you are trying to favor the unions by having more rigid labor market and keeping wages very high, you could be blocking people from getting new jobs.

We cannot sustain long-term growth in our economies if we do not protect and preserve our environment.

Those who argue for Brexit are wrong, and that is because they have not been properly informed about the costs.

The U.K. is much stronger as a part of Europe, and Europe is much stronger with the U.K. as a driving force.

Reforms to product and labour markets, education, innovation, green growth, competition, taxes, health - they are the things that should be the object of our primary focus in the context of a long-term strategy to restore sustained growth.

The City of London is always going to be there and will continue to be important.

I have family who are British citizens and who want to be citizens of the world and citizens of the E.U.

I said a vote to leave would be a Brexit tax. I couldn't think of anything stronger than that.

I was strongly against Brexit. I speechified against Brexit.

Nobody in their right mind will even attempt or even think of leaving the European Union, because they will understand that it is not in their best interest.

Everywhere, you have a fatigue for reform... that's very serious.

You can accuse Europeans of being many things - except fast.

The home is the planet. Unless you're a Martian, you know, we're sharing the planet. And - and the emissions don't stop and CO2 doesn't stop with the border between France, Spain or between Canada and the United States.

In the face of sluggish growth, aging societies, and increasing educational attainment of young women, the economic case for gender equality is clear.

Gender equality is essential for ensuring that men and women can contribute fully at home, at work, and in public life for the betterment of societies and economies at large.

There is no reason for women to trail behind men in social, economic, and political outcomes.

Every country faces its own obstacles to reaching gender equality, and to make a real difference, we must change public policies in tandem with stereotypes, attitudes, and behaviors.