Knowledge and human power are synonymous.

A man is but what he knows.

And so sep�lchred in such pomp dost lie, That kings for such a tomb would wish to die.

Knowledge forbidden? Suspicious, reasonless. Why should their Lord Envy them that? Can it be a sin to know? Can it be death?

Our torments also may in length of time Become our Elements.

Farewell happy fields, Where joy forever dwells: Hail, horrors, hail.

They who have put out the people's eyes reproach them of their blindness.

Our cure, to be no more; sad cure!

Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.

Let knowledge grow from more to more, But more of reverence in us dwell; That mind and soul, according well, May make one music as before, But vaster.

“A quality education has the power to transform societies in a single generation, provide children with the protection they need from the hazards of poverty, labor exploitation and disease, and given them the knowledge, skills, and confidence to reach their full potential.”

Knowledge dwells in heads replete with thoughts of other men; wisdom in minds attentive to their own.

Knowledge is proud that he has learned so much. Wisdom is humble that he knows not more.

Knowledge is proud that it knows so much; wisdom is humble that it knows no more.

Depression hangs over me as if I were Iceland.

Most things may never happen: this one will.

There is bad in all good authors: what a pity the converse isn't true!

Dear, I can't write, it's all a fantasy: a kind of circling obsession.

“It is a good rule after reading a new book, never to allow yourself another new one till you have read an old one in between.”

True knowledge comes only through suffering

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. So is a lot.

Inscriptions here of various Names I view'd, The greater part by hostile time subdu'd; Yet wide was spread their fame in ages past, And Poets once had promis'd they should last.

My chest of books divide amongst my friends--

Knowledge enormous makes a god of me.