We parents ask dumb questions, therefore we get dumb answers.

I wanted to give the house back to the parents.

All parents experience the same problems.

Today's parents grew up with the silly notion that music was meant to be heard.

Parenting needs to come to the forefront.

Most fathers and... Mothers. Only your grandmother and Ghengis Khan know how to do it.

Calculus is one course you can come with to your parents and say, I am dropping it. And they'll understand.

Every success story has a parent who says, 'over my dead body.' Every success story has an old person who walks up to you and says, when you're acting the fool, 'you know I worry about you sometimes.'

The most important educational vehicle in all life is a parent figure.

Parents are people who yell and they yell and they yell and they yell. And you already have the point... and they're still yelling.

If you're a parent, the five worst words you can say to your children are, "When I was your age ..." You were never their age. You were older in the womb.

I'm not sure if my parents had me because they loved me, or because they wanted someone to watch their other children.

Your parents put a curse on you - Someday your kids are going to act just like you.

Love your parents, but don't have them as your mates.

My parents were both very frugal, and I think they're responsible for my attitude of always looking for good value, especially in my work. In a way, sports betting is like a big game of 'The Price Is Right:' just like I'd pay $3 for a Coke Zero but not $4, I'd lay three points on the Bears-Packers point spread but not four.

My parents wanted me to have a good education, so I finished school, and at the same time I was able to play football.

The idea of my parents was to keep us away from the streets. Gelsenkirchen is not a rich city. The crime is above average so they always tried to keep us away from bad things, and I think they were successful.

I've already put my parents through the wringer with a number of my jobs!

All things considered, there's nobody better for children than parents.

My parents used to fight a lot, and I think they fought a lot at night, and they would turn the television up to hide the sound of their fighting.

My dad and mom did what a lot of parents did at the time. They sacrificed a lot of their life and used a lot of their disposable income to make sure their children were educated.

'E.T.' began with me trying to write a story about my parents' divorce.

And if you are a parent, introduce your children to their neighborhood library. It will give them a real sense of independence to have their own library card and enjoy borrowing books.

My parents had a strong impact on who I am today. My mother and dad both encouraged us to think about the long term - where you wanted to be - to think about education, to think about what is right and what is wrong, and to do things that will help you in the long run.