I do like reading autobiographies, if I'm honest.

I would love to do a biopic or a situational comedy.

I would never want a book's autograph. I am a proud non-reader of books.

I don't think anyone should write their autobiography until after they're dead

I only read biographies, metaphysics and psychology. I can dream up my own fiction.

"Unloved women have no biographies-- they have histories"

"It may be that this "It may be that this autobiography [Aimee Semple McPherson's] is set down in sincerity, frankness, and simple effort. It may be, too, that the Statue of Liberty is situated in Lake Ontario."autobiography [Aimee Semple McPherson's] is set down in sincerity, frankness, and simple effort. It may be, too, that the Statue of Liberty is situated in Lake Ontario."

"I have had the unfortunate experience of having someone write an unauthorised biography of me. Half of it is lies and the other half is badly written. My feeling is that if I'm going to write my life story, I ought to have my life first."

"People don't know very much about me. They do not know what really goes on in my private life."

"This book was company for me - I wrote these things when I was in hotels, far from where I normally live. I never intended to publish it."

"He was like a man who had served a term in prison or had been to Harvard College or had lived for a long time with foreigners in South America."

"Anyone who writes an autobiographical work at the age of 34 is, at best, presumptuous. It occurred to me that it was time to set the record straight."

"Originally, I came from Texas, and we lived on - I guess you'd call it welfare, what we called relief."

“A man's face is his autobiography. A woman's face is her work of fiction.” 

I don't think there's such a thing as autobiographical fiction. If I say it happened, it happened, even if only in my mind.