A liar is always lavish of oaths.

When there is no peril in the fight there is no glory in the triumph.

The greater the effort, the greater the glory.

To win without risk is to triumph without glory.

Self-love is the source of all our other loves.

In the 2012 election, the polls that had made Mitt Romney so confident that he was going to win were his own internal polls, based on models that failed to accurately estimate voter turnout. But the public polls, especially statewide polls, painted a fairly accurate picture of how the electoral college might go.

Being a skeptical and thoughtful consumer of polls is essential.

Women face unique challenges in society, no doubt. But focusing narrowly on women as a special interest group isn't the winning play. The ability to pay your bills, send your kids to a good school, and keep your family safe are 'women's issues' after all.

Women want fair taxes, a growing economy, affordable health care, secure borders, and the defeat of ISIS. They don't need the solutions to be wrapped in pink. They just want problems solved.

Conservative women often make the case that 'all issues are women's issues,' and are sometimes derided by those on the Left when they do so.

Not all change and disruption succeeds, to be sure.

True small-c conservatives should fight at every turn to preserve basic standards of conduct and institutions that have served our nation well.

Thoughtful education programs and access to effective forms of contraception are key to preventing unplanned pregnancy.

'Trump is a mean man' is a message that Democrats used time and time and time again in the 2016 race. Airwaves were filled with reminders that Trump has insulted just about everyone.

Trump was elected in part because enough Americans viewed him as a capable and strong leader, someone who is 'decisive' and 'competent.'

President Trump, who made his name in the business world and built a brand as a successful CEO via a reality TV show that punished incompetence, was not just elected for a series of tough policy views.

With Trump assuming the role of America's CEO, it may be chaos rather than callousness that threatens to harm his standing with the American voters who are giving him a chance.

Winning feels great, and everybody loves a winner. But the very best figure out what's coming next and don't assume they've got the winning formula forever.

My slice of the millennial generation, as we grew up, became - to the dismay of the GOP - a bloc of fairly consistently Democratic voters.

I remember fancying myself a junior 'McCainiac' in 2000, though politics were rarely discussed in our household.

Maybe President Trump will turn out to be a fabulously successful president who will endear the millennial generation to the Right anew.

Major realigning events can reshape coalitions and change how large groups of people view politics, policy, and the parties.

When the oldest batch of millennials really first began voting around the mid-2000s, they leaned a little toward the Democrats, looking a lot like the Gen Xers also did at that time.

Fast-moving views are not likely to be strongly held views. Instead, they're much more likely to be about people mirroring back the signals they see coming from the leaders they support. People can resolve dissonance by shifting their own view on issues that aren't top of mind.