There are no wealthy people on Rikers Island because if you are wealthy, you go free because you make bail.

So when people say how horrible it is that Donald Trump is president, well, yeah, but we've faced a lot worse than this and our country went on to go from the world of 'Mad Men' to the world it is today, and that's what's going to happen now. That's what's going to happen in the next 50 years. We're going to be fine.

Ambien is one of the most prescribed pills in America. A lot of people take it every night or several times a week or several times a month in order to help them sleep. I'm just not one of those people. That's the perception of me. But that's not the reality.

I think of myself as a human-rights advocate and as a mother.

Having a sense of humor is a part of being courageous. It's a source of strength.

I grew up outside of Washington D.C., a town in which the largest industry is government and in which almost everyone I knew was involved in creating policies which impact people across our country and around the globe.

I myself am a soccer mom, a volleyball mom and a basketball mom.

The time of day when there was quiet and serenity was every night when we gathered in my parents' bedroom and knelt down together and prayed.

I have 10 brothers and sisters. My mother raised us because my father died when I was 8.

It's hard to have both parents involved in elective office at the same time.

Elective office is one of many ways to serve the community and the country. It's one that I would consider at some point.

I thought of running for office when I was in law school, but I wanted to work on human rights.

I have to tell you, virtually every country I've gone to, the Catholic church is on the cutting edge of social change. Really extraordinary.

After my father died, we went to church for a long time every day, and then every other day during the summer.

I loved that television show Mad Men because it really was a reminder of what reality was back then.

So I think that having Donald Trump as president of our country, and also his impact around the world, would have left my father in dismay.

Daddy loved our country, he loved our history. He was always talking about American history and telling us stories from American history, and loved our most treasured values of freedom, democracy, justice.

It's important to reach out to people who are marginalized.

Throughout Africa, as in much of the world, women are responsible for tilling the fields, deciding what to plant, nurturing the crops, and harvesting the food. They are the first to be aware of environmental damage that harms agricultural production.

I married a politician. But I thought it would be tough for my children to have two parents as politicians.

There were times I should have been completely emotionally available to my kids and I wasn't there, even for reading a book with them or watching TV or tucking my daughter into bed.

You don't need a passport to work on human rights.

When it comes to my Uncle Jack, my father, or any other loved ones we've lost, I believe in honoring lives, not deaths.

The struggle for human rights is at its core a struggle for human dignity.