"Tom Hanks is fantastic - he is one of my dad's good friends, and he's very warm and funny."

"My friends knew I was obsessed with these 'Twilight' boys because I love a dangerous love story."

"Getting to have an opportunity to tell a story that is about mental illness and how it affects one's self and one's community was really something that really meant a lot to me."

"You can't raise kids alone, you can't heal alone... you really need a community."

"I stepped in for Nicole Kidman in 'Dogville' when she left that film."

"I've done a lot of weird, otherworldly characters, and I think I'm at my best when I'm kind of in the woods running around screaming or depressed."

"I try to go with the flow and have faith that everything is going to work out."

"I will never reach the success that my dad has felt."

"I'm very conventional compared to my parents."

"It's not that I'm a serious person; I'm playful and stuff like that, but I take characters very seriously and the work very seriously."

"I did karate for years and years and years."

"I'm very sturdy and very proud of it."

"My first time I directed a play was 'No Exit,' a play set in a subway."

"After I did 'Orchids,' I enrolled back in film school and did a million and a half workshops and worked with great professors and people, trying to hopefully get better."

"Now young faces grow sad and old and hearts of fire grow cold We swore blood brothers against the wind I'm ready to grow young again"

"Blind faith in your leaders, or in anything, will get you killed."

"I'm ready to grow young again"

"For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive"

"We said we'd walk together baby come what may.That come the twilight should we lose our way.If as we're walkin a hand should slip free,I'll wait for you And should I fall behind,Wait for me."

"Talk about a dream, try to make it real"

"I think I created my particular stage persona out of my dad's life, and perhaps I even built it to suit him to some degree."

"I was a pretty sensitive kid and quite neurotic, filled with a lot of anxiety, which all would have been very familiar to my pop, you know? Except it was a part of himself he was trying to reject, so I got caught in the middle of it, I think."

"My dad was young; he went to work. But he'd been to war. He'd seen some of the world. It wasn't like he was going to be an extensive traveler or something. It didn't seem to be in his nature or in the nature of his parents or many of the folks in my family, really."

"You'll walk with me out on the wire, cuz baby, I'm just "a "scared and lonely rider, but I gotta know how it feels... I want to know love is wild, babe, I want to know love is real."