"We all have a professional responsibility as clubs to live by the confidentiality rules, which are designed to protect players. However the information got out, I hope those people will take that responsibility and let us make any necessary changes. ... I'm going to be proactive in that effort."

"The responsibility (Belichick) gave me with the Browns, well, I wouldn't be able to do what I do now if I hadn't had that kind of responsibility,"

"There's a twofold purpose. Not just for bad weather but sometimes helping players recover."

"We've obviously started our research in terms of what the options are going to be for us. One of the goals that we have is to develop the players we have so somebody can be a starter for our organization in the future, or to bring somebody to the organization that has the potential to be a future starter relative to our situation."

"I think every guy's different when it comes to that. Some guys are very instinctive and very understanding and therefore don't need to see it on the field as much."

"We're trying to get a deal that would satisfy him as well as work for us."

"We have a sense of urgency about trying to get him ready, but we're not going to rush him and put him in a position where it's not going to be something he can have success at."

"We didn't do what we needed to do to get a stop. We have to do a better job as coaches getting our players ready so we have a better chance to be successful in those situations and we have to be more consistent in the way we perform."

"It was great that Ronnie Brown got untracked a little bit. We told him we were going to work him today. As the game wore on, it looked like he got a little better. Maybe that'll be a sign for us in the future."

"There may be 25 players out there we feel are potential guys that would be first-round picks regardless of where we pick. We have to bring to some kind of organizational order to who brings the most value to us. That's something that's a work in progress."

"At this point, I'm not ready to say that changing quarterbacks is going to solve all our problems, so that's where it's at."

"If you don't have an indoor facility, you've got to cut down the practice time in preparation for the game so the players can recover. Or you change the environment they do the work in, which an indoor facility allows you to do. It's really a player health and safety issue as much as anything."

"I would stop short of saying that Ronnie was 100 percent, but he did do everything in practice. Those decisions will be made on a day-to-day basis."

"We didn't have a very big crowd, and there wasn't much enthusiasm about our opener. But we got off to a good start, and we got a win, but we had to savor it because we didn't get another one for a long time."

"That was so much fun. That was so exciting. It was very dramatic. For an energy junkie like myself, it can't get any better. It was a wonderful day for college football. Something I'll never forget."

"When you first look at their team, you can't see anything but him. He's a fantastic player. Your eyes are drawn to him."

"It went really well. The doctors made a point that it was something that they had to do."

"(The doctors) know the results of the MRI. There's definitely something there (on the MRI), that's why we're being very cautious and taking our time. They need to see how it responds and see how soon he can come back and if he does or he doesn't (need surgery)."

"Possibly the thing he has that is most unique is his ability to make unbelievable cuts at top speed, that he doesn't have to gather to do those things."

"I think it's a tremendous accomplishment. I made it clear to the guys after the fact,"

"One of the keys to finding consistency is not being knocked any which way by the hype and the buildup. We've found a way of dealing with that and ... taking our best preparation into the big game."

"Absolutely, heck yeah. We're counting on that competition."

"We tell recruits we're going to a nice, quiet, homey place. We're going to talk about your future and stuff like that. The next thing they know, John's unbuttoning his shirt and dancing in front of everybody."

"This is the kind of class where you're going to feel the impact immediately."