"Do not weep. Do not wax indignant. Understand."

"Swallows have disappeared, bees are dying out because of pesticides that should have been banned long ago - it's a scandal."

"I wasn't scandalous - I didn't want to be."

"I adore my houses - they're my refuge - but I detest more and more Saint-Tropez where it's impossible to live: invaded by tourists, social evenings, all of which I avoid and which terrorises me."

"I knew I had to be the best at something, otherwise I would be nothing. I knew I wanted the world to know about Brigitte Bardot."

"When you look at me, when you think of me, I am in paradise."

"So he sighed and pined and ogled,And his passion boiled and bubbled,Till he blew his silly brains out,And no more was by it troubled."

"I never knew whether to pity or congratulate a man on coming to his senses."

"I never know whether to pity or congratulate a man on coming to his senses."

"Whenever he met a great man he groveled before him, and my-lorded him as only a free-born Briton can do."

"It's the trademark of both guys in terms of their endurance and ability to get better as the game goes on. That's something we'd like to continue to utilize in the future if we can."

"I think having poise and the ability to execute is critical to play in tough situations and we have to find a psychological balance that we can do that,"

"We certainly created some adversity for ourselves to overcome out there, ... but I was really pleased with how we responded time in and time out. Nobody's ever happy with penalties. Nobody's ever happy with turnovers. But I think it's most important to establish how you respond to that stuff when it happens in the game."

"It's most important that we use caution right now, in terms of trying to keep some of our better players and more experienced players that have impact and leadership ready for the season,"

"They double-covered him a couple of times, actually, so it was the right choice not to throw it to him. But he's a guy we need to have involved in the offense."

"Sometimes when you press, you have high anxiety, and it affects the way you perform."

"I think everybody needs to understand that we're not really changing our offense and we're not changing our defense. We're going to keep things as consistent for our players as we can."

"We missed a couple of throws and had a couple of turnovers. . . We made some big plays on defense, which helped us. We just have to take advantage of the field position when we get it."

"I haven't been pleased with the tackling on the perimeter of our defense for several weeks now. We are either going to get it out of the guys we have or we are going to get somebody who will do it, because that won't be tolerated."

"I'm getting too old to run (or) jog. We have fun. It's probably good for the staff that we get together and do something like that."

"We all like winning. The fun of this is a job well done. The purpose of what we do is to have success. We focused a lot this year on the process of what you need to do to be successful. I think this team has bought into that and has a belief system that has been beneficial to how we've competed."

"Gus has the best understanding of the offense right now. We feel like he hasn't played his best football yet, but with his knowledge and understanding and leadership, we're hopeful that he can show continued improvement, and that we can make some improvement as an offensive team. We've had spots of doing those types of things, and hopefully we'll continue to be more consistent."

"It's kind of hard to get everybody ready to start."

"We have no intention of moving or trading Jason Taylor ."