I think everybody who commits a violent killing is in some way crazy. But that doesn't mean we can let them off the hook for that.

Jodi Arias had a deadly obsession with Travis Alexander.

We have got to stop being a society that turns our heads and looks the other way.

If you say no to cruel factory farm practices, only then will the government say yes to change.

Agribusiness - with its wicked powerful lobby and its infiltration of top bureaucratic posts - essentially runs roughshod over the government agencies that are supposed to monitor it. It's the rich fox guarding the filthy, overcrowded henhouse.

What does animal welfare have to do with food safety? The animals are the food! They are living in their own excrement, developing horrific sores, stressed out, and, therefore, more vulnerable to illness and disease.

How is justice served if the victim and the accused are working together to make it all go away? Somebody please explain that to me.

Something is sick with our society that we have to deal with.

I do believe that Jodi Arias shows a lot of signs of mental illness.

There's no excuse in a technological age where we've got drones - you know, overhead, and we can monitor anything, all sorts of minutia - that we can't track living flesh-and-blood children.

Child Protective Services, all over the country, need to be revamped top to bottom.

She gets away with it. Everybody co-signs her bad behavior. It's like we all are co-dependent on Lindsay Lohan. When are we going to stand up to her?

In 2007, Lindsay Lohan seemed to be on top of the world, a bona fide star who had her pick of acting gigs. But it wasn't long before the veneer cracked, and Lindsay's life began to shatter.

Family issues and a failing career would be enough to consume most young actresses.

The worst environmental decision you can make as a human being is to have 14 kids.

In Hollywood, they say good news finds you.

There's no better feeling in the world than knowing that my show played a role in stopping animal abuse or alleviating animal suffering.

I love working with PETA.

I would love to speak with First Lady Michelle Obama about the addictive component of obesity.

Honestly is always an option, even when you don't think it is.

Someone once told me that being in the closet is like living in a vertical casket. Perfect description.

Wouldn't it help Americans more, in the long run, if we were forced to accept some responsibility for the environmental wreckage we prefer to assume is totally out of our control?

Cholesterol does not exist in vegetables. Vegetables do not clog arteries.

We cannot consume our way into personal growth. Yet, millions of us have bought into this cynical concept of faux identity.