Capture of a wild animal is invariably traumatic.

Travis Alexander was a good guy. Was he a saint? No. But he was somebody who was really, really invested in helping other people and making this world a better place. Everything he did, even the car he drove, was a sign of him trying to be a force for good in this world.

There are definitions of morbid obesity. Doctors define it.

Shopping in the right kind of stores and looking for healthier foods can be a wonderful adventure to health.

We have allowed ourselves to be defined by our consumption instead of by our ability to move beyond it.

If you know something is morally reprehensible, then it is your moral obligation to stop it as soon as possible.

I actually get quite sad when I smell bacon.

Locking minors away for decades doesn't solve anything.

Denial is a very powerful thing.

Scientists have shown that pigs are capable of playing simple video games, learning from each other, and even learning names.

Now, Spitzer was an anti-crime crusader cracking down on prostitution and Wall Street corruption. So some people were looking to take him down.

Fame is often called a deal with the devil. Reality show fame is a really bad deal with the devil.

I've studied pathological liars, and anything they say, they believe, and that's one of the reasons they're so convincing, because they have no connection with the truth. It's a dead issue. It's like they're color-blind to the truth. So anything that comes out of their mouths is their reality.

We have secrets, and we have the same secrets that criminals have. Sometimes the only difference between a criminal and a law-abiding citizen is that somebody found out the criminal's secret.

I dream of a post-racial society that is not categorized by the color of their skin.

Redemption isn't giving a bank robber a job as a teller.

Taking care of our families isn't just about putting food on the table today. It's about ensuring that our children and grandchildren will have a habitable world where they can get to know various species of sea turtles.

We have been brainwashed into craving a diet that is killing us. What we believe tastes good is generally what we have been socially conditioned to enjoy.

In elementary school, we should teach nonviolent conflict resolution and healthy communication skills, which will help children cope with issues like rejection and sexuality later in life.

Nature did not put whales on this earth to splash kids while stuck in a pen.

I say peace begins on your plate.

Obesity affects every aspect of a people's lives, from health to relationships.

Telling writers to shut up is a sure way to keep them talking.

What stars do in their off-hours is a never-ending source of diddling curiosity to the tabloid sensibility.