I have never stormed off over money or contracts. I am paid quite well by 'Top Gear.' I am pretty happy, and I have never seen Richard Hammond storm off, either.

I don't have a worry about women because I keep reading that not only are they better at school, they are now better at parking, better at navigating... we know that women are good at everything.

I think the astute viewer can recognise I am the proper bloke, because I have a toolbox and can put things back together, and I can quote W. B. Yeats and Alfred Lord Tennyson.

Our 'Top Gear' characters are based on our own characters, if exaggerated and cartoonified. We try not to be completely different to who we are, because you couldn't carry it off in the long run.

I don't look like Susan Boyle!

I suppose I could do 'The Reassembler' at 80. But it would be a terrible cliche.

You have to be a bit mad and conceited to go on television.

I am actually a perfectly capable modern man who can cook, clean, wash, and find my way to places, but nobody believes it.

Richard Hammond is a reasonably fit bloke who looks after himself. Me and Jeremy aren't.

I'm a big user of digital technology, but I don't find it beautiful.

I know there have been some catastrophically unpopular programmes on television over the years. Has it ever got to the point where the only person still interested in what's happening is the person who's on the telly?

I always said it was a privilege to end up on the television. It wasn't my ambition; I fell into editing magazines and writing about cars, and then I ended up on the telly.

I've never thought about marriage or children.

The greatest luxury now in being reasonably well-off - overlooking the Ferrari and the aeroplane - is that I can always go for a curry without worrying if I can afford it.

We've always liked the word 'chump', and it's quite nearly our initials - Clarkson, Hammond, and May Productions.

When we were kids, if somebody said, 'What did you watch last night?' you would have said, 'BBC Two,' but now they'll just say, 'My mobile.'

I can't make a house homely. My house just looks like a garage or a shed. I'm not untidy, but it just looks so uninviting.

I'm not a big film buff; I like watching films, but I tend to forget them.

If you are a man, I feel that practicality should always trump fashion.

I can't stand the need to be fashionable.

I woke up one morning and realised that one of the problems with being a middle-aged man - of being a man in general - is the tyranny of fashion.

There's a great deal of poetry in working out how things work, cutting bits of metal, trying to mend stuff.

Men think that not being able to wire a plug somehow makes them more creative or intellectual. It just makes them morons.

I think women, especially, are bored of blokes being useless.