There's this perception that I've got this huge collection of old cars. I don't.

I find the history of toys very interesting on an academic level - they're very much products of their time, just like paintings and furniture tell us about their time.

Jeremy Clarkson wants to become a farmer - he's bought a field - Hammond wants to open a supermarket, and I'd like to spend my days owning a shoe shop.

'Top Gear''s popularity is a complete mystery to me. Maybe it's because it's still a car programme, but it's turned into a distorted world view from three men; a world view through the windscreen.

I got into it just thinking, 'Oh, television, maybe I'll have a go at that.' I could've never imagined that it would get to this.

I'd quite like to film in Central Park. I think we have asked, but we're not allowed to.

I don't have any quarrel with the BBC.

Despite some of the stories that have gone around, I've never had a big, flouncey strop about how much I'm paid. Considering I have a pretty interesting life out of making telly, I'm really paid quite well for it. So I'm not complaining.

They're pretty accurate, the clocks in mobile phones.

I think any carmaker that had a brain and was looking very long-term would think about 'Personalised Transport Solutions' - which may not be a car.

I do worry about breaking things - things that don't belong to me.

Me, I'm a lesbian: I find women fascinating.

Watching people move to nice music is very pleasant.

A lot of television assumes the viewer is a bit daft, and I don't think they are.

Jeremy can't do anything. I've never discovered anything he can do. I mean, he can drive a car round a track pretty well, but he wouldn't be able to light a fire.

I'm in favour of the old roles being blurred. The old division at school where the boys did metalwork and woodwork and the girls did needlework and domestic science is awful, really - and I'm glad it's gone.

I don't know what a gazillion is.

There's a lot of politics in television and a lot of in-fighting and all that sort of stuff, but in the end, we are purveyors of entertainment. Viewers are not really bogged down in who's doing what and who hates who and who's doing best in the ratings. They watch television to be entertained.

I'm only a freelance TV presenter and, in many ways, it's all just been a massive fluke.

We'd become lazy with 'Top Gear,' doing six or seven shows a series.

It's fairly well known that we all hate each other to some extent. 'Top Gear' has worked because of a combination of camaraderie and mutual dislike. That's actually the magic.

I felt that needed to be addressed: the idea that anything a man tries to do properly or thoroughly is dismissed as either metrosexual or OCD. But why can't you be practical and artistic at the same time, which was considered perfectly normal in the Renaissance?

I've never wanted to be on television for the sake of it, I suppose because I'm not one of life's natural presenters; I'm not an actor.

I very briefly had a microwave oven that I quickly gave away, because I could never work out what they do better than a regular oven.