In the past, the biggest mistake I've made has been trying to treat election night like the first and last time anyone will ever see me on TV. I've worn dresses that were more prom time than primetime.

I always wear my signature 5- to 5-and-a-half-inch heels.

Even though I'm just over 5'9'', heels make me feel feminine and fierce.

On a daily basis I'm covering things that are leaking out of the White House and leaking out what should be closed-door meetings on the Hill. That is not integrity.

Downtime for me is just when I can sit still.

I'm pretty disciplined. But your brain needs boredom. It needs routine.

You don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate.

I am profoundly grateful for the opportunities he gave me and not once have I ever been ashamed to say these five words: Roger Ailes believes in me.

Here's what I know: My rise and success have been a direct result of the merits and fabulous opportunities from mentors, including Roger Ailes. Without him, my journey would be quite different. He has changed the arc of my career. He believed in me when people who looked like me were not in network news.

We want eyeballs on the screen.

For young people I like to talk about unleashing your integrity, because I tie it to social media and how careful we have to be about being consistent online with who we really are.

If anybody can harm you, it's going to be the people who are closest.

My dad was stationed at the Pentagon when I was like middle-school age. He was support for the Joint Chiefs of Staff; his boss was Colin Powell.

I liked the remake of 'Ghostbusters.'

I tell you what, if somebody gives you the opportunity to live your dream, wouldn't you want to do it for a lot of hours?

I'm all of those things that I was brought up to really value: honesty, stick with it, don't quit, don't cut and run, stay in there. When you think things might fall apart, believe that you have enough for victory. That's the stuff I have in me.

I was always tenacious.

My husband is Jewish.

I knew from a very young age that I was going to use my voice. I've basically sounded like this since I was 9.

My dad was ex-military, so I was raised to always know about current events, particularly what was going on with the military and government. And I always loved storytelling.

We have a lot of interesting, talented women at Fox News.

One of the things I love about Fox News is that it looks at something and tries to figure out how it can be useful in the journey and bring everybody else along and lead the way.

It's social media. You can't be thin-skinned.

It benefits my girls to see a mommy who is living her dream.