We just work hard to win the viewers respect and trust every single day.

Outnumbered Overtime' began as an online extension to the then-brand new hit, 'Outnumbered.' My goal was to turn an interactive, chat room type show into a source for news and compelling interviews.

The prominence of the market I guess is important to some people. For me, it was less about the number and more about the opportunities that might open up in that market. One of the questions I wanted to know about that next job was, what's your weather like? I am into the weather!

Can you name a state in the United States that doesn't get some interesting weather every now and then? No!

I'm not Pollyanna. Nobody has a magic wand.

I am tasked with being that voice of calm and reason and disseminating the facts as we understand and know them.

When you see me up on a breaking-news story, it is not good news. I'm not about to give you the secret to my mom's sweet potato pie.

I challenge you to go and turn on the other cable networks to find a face like mine in primetime.

Having a CEO, having that person run a news corporation who's female, is already a talking point.

I feel really blessed to work in a place that values me for what I bring as a journalist and as a professional storyteller and navigator of the news. But I also know that they appreciate about me, my perspective as a woman, as a black woman.

I grew up military but have met very few women that have a mission plan for when things don't work out. I attack everything like that.

The U.S. military is known the world over for its advanced technology as well as the prowess, skill, and dedication of its service members. When you grow up in the company of its leaders, as I did, you understand that this greatness is something that is cultivated.

I'm sure it won't surprise you to learn that I kept a diary - actually, quite a number of them over the years.

I got to travel to some pretty awesome places, learn other people's customs, and see what works in their world differently than in ours.

Technology has made our lives both more efficient and more demanding.

Remembering growing up on U.S. Army bases stateside and abroad, the Star-Spangled Banner was played at important occasions... and often. It was the first song I learned the lyrics to.

The Navy Seals don't travel with 200 people, they wouldn't be able to execute the kind of tip-of-the-spear missions they do.

I'm living my dream totally! I mean, my career dream, my home-life dream with the two kids and the hubby. And my familial dream outside of that was for my Mom to see me host my own weekday show and she didn't live to see that but her partner of 57 years did.

You need to know how to put a mission together to victory!

We become like the five people we spend most of our time with; Oh, we've got to be picky, and you might have to fire a few people who don't belong in that inner circle because they can't help you be your best and further your purpose.

My mission in life is to get to heaven, so the people I have in my inner circle I don't allow to do the 'rule breaking' that we know as Christians we can't.

We're very tech light in our house.

I love the energy and urgency of working in news.

Having a parent who served in the military has made me a better journalist.