This is America. Dissenting voices will continue to voice their dissent. Because they've read the operating instructions for the United States of America, and it's their right.

Around 1999, CNBC offered me a full-time post, and I'm the happiest I've ever been.

People in charge of intelligence are political as well.

This is America. And we've basically invented the computer, and we should invent ways to protect all those that use it.

I come from immigrant grandparents. The country would not be what it is if it wasn't for the immigrants in this country.

I like free markets, but I do like fair markets.

There's not a lot of wealth throughout all the country shared equally.

I think many agree, being on the plan till 26, good idea; preexisting conditions, they all have a cost. So you have to find a way to pay for it. But it doesn't mean that you're going to keep or change. Listen, cars have tires. You can reinvent the car, but it's still going to have tires. Those aspects are components of healthcare.

Most of the mainstream coverage of most of the crisis - the economy, the road to get here, and the Tea Party - has been very much lacking.

The markets are the world's greatest Rubik's cube. And I love solving puzzles.

A republic and a democracy are pretty much identical, pretty much on every level.

How about we all stop paying our mortgages! It's a moral hazard.

We cannot collect enough taxes to catch up with spending. Do I know a solution? Not really. Do your politicians know a solution? Does our commander-in-chief offer a solution? Absolutely not.

I don't understand it and haven't understood in this world of technology: where every building has a camera, every ATM has a camera, why don't we have cameras on police officers?

I think hacking's important. Most Americans should worry about it no matter what side of the aisle you're on.

I work hard, and I haven't done badly in life. But I pretty much came from very modest roots... I go home on my train; I cut my own grass... I don't have anything against people that are more elite, but it's just not who I am or what I'm about.

The president doesn't hold all the cards. The cards are evenly split up!

This country is a republic.

Maybe we should shut Wall Street down for 24 hours, see how everybody who blames Wall Street for everything likes that. Maybe we should shut energy down for 24 hours, see how people like that.

Many other states ultimately - they might not have the same balance sheet as Wisconsin - but collective bargaining from the federal level... these are big issues, and these costs need to be put under control.

I don't even look at gold as gold anymore. Gold is just another piece of paper.

We are a republic, very inefficient. If you want a really efficient form of government, you have a king or a dictator. And in the end, you hope it's a benevolent one. But then you could get things done. There's no lurching; there's no bumps. That's the cornerstone of checks and balances.

I'm very happy at CNBC. It's the passion, it's the movement - there's a lot of moving parts. And spontaneous TV and spontaneous debates... I don't know that there's anyone that enjoys their job more than I do.

Blame the Tea Party? Geez, no wonder Kerry did so well in an election. If it wasn't for the Tea Party, they would have passed the debt ceiling thumbs up; we would have been rated BBB.