I was making $19,000 a year, and I thought I was rich.

Growing up it was humble beginnings.

I've been blessed over the years and I want to help guys to feel good about themselves when they're going for job interviews. You walk in for a job interview, you feel good about yourself, you look the part, you get that confidence going.

My wife was big in a lot of work in Toronto with charity work.

From a pure basketball standpoint, it's hard to say you wouldn't want Kawhi Leonard on your team.

That really makes you feel good when guys are using some of your terminology and some of your plays in a different country.

In the NBA, it's wins and losses. You don't have to deal with some of the hypocrisy of college athletics.

I'm not a very materialistic person.

I have a favorite poem. From Rudyard Kipling. It's called 'L'Envoi.'

I have confidence in my manhood to be able to cry at a movie or at a wedding, too.

I'm not a big car person. I'm not into lots of fancy things.

Players want to get better with their skill set and 3-point shooting, ballhandling, their bodies, whatever it is, but everything starts with a sense of urgency.

It's a different animal when you're in the NBA. You come in this league and you've got 7-footers who play 7 foot who are going to protect that rim come hell or high water.

To me, there's no honor to say, 'I'm going to start.' As long as you're getting minutes, you're closing games, that shows more of the value to the team than to say you're a starter.

I hope I can stand up and be an example that helps change the narrative: 'He understands the game from a technical standpoint. He can teach the game. He can change an offense. He can put in a zone. He can do more than recruit.'

You can't allow yourself to get typecast as a recruiter, because that label sticks and carries. I fought it. I made myself learn the game and teach the game.

Help me help you help yourself is kind of the motto I have.

I love watching players improve - even as a Little League coach.

I'm quite sure there are other things that I could have done in life whether it's working for Humana, teaching in college, high school teacher. Coaching stuck.

When I first became a head coach in Toronto, I was more of a dictator, wanted to do everything, all the development, defense, offense, whatever it was.

I've seen Canada grow on so many different levels when it comes to basketball. The women's game is huge, so why not have a WNBA team here?

Black, white and brown people have to work together to find new answers. The only way we can stop the systemic problems that people of color have faced all our lives is through honesty and transparency.

The unwritten rule in college basketball is the black assistant goes and gets the black players. Don't worry about the X's and O's. Just recruit.

I go to bat with people that are loyal to me.