A team like Brooklyn has seen everything, they've experienced everything, they've had every atmosphere you can have in the playoffs and some of them have won championships. That's the advantage you have as an experienced team and the disadvantage you have as a young team.

I totally can relate to guys going in for job interviews, and not having a tie, not having a white shirt, and that type of thing to wear. That's why I think as coaches we can do things to help. We have plenty, we as NBA coaches and players are all very blessed to be in a profession so that we can provide for.

When I was coaching at Kentucky - I was a grad assistant and I just got through playing and we won the NCAA Championship in 1978, so I stayed after I got through playing - we had Japan's national team coach Mototaka Kohama come to Lexington to spend the year and study basketball. He and I became great friends, so we hung out together.

Make or miss, you still have to shoot the same shot with confidence.

It irks me when I read the narrative that 'Dwane is salty.' I can't say anything right.

People think I'm consuming all the time, based on my Instagram feed, but I know how to eat and how to pair. I might post the heaviest osso bucco of all time, but I'm not showing the carrots I'm having on the side rather than having a whole other big dish of something.

Models eat. They're crazy about moderation, but they eat.

I always wanted to be a teacher or wanted to do something with food. But modeling, I just never thought I could do it myself, really, ever. I still have trouble calling myself a model. I just never thought I was tall enough or skinny enough.

There is something very beautiful about being pregnant. I think I enjoy being pregnant more than not being pregnant. I know it could go either way, and the next pregnancy could be the complete opposite.

Men and Pilates - it's like the hardest thing on the planet to them! They're not used to getting those muscles. Core and butt and stuff - they're so confused.

If you put pesto in a squeeze bottle or just at the end of a spoon and drizzle it, it looks so much better. It's the little things. Plating is actually easy once you learn the little tips.

My big pet peeve with people posting food - and I love it when people post food - but my number one thing is when you're posting at a restaurant, and it's dark, like a date night, food never looks good. Flash looks horrible, no flash looks horrible. It's important to only do food photos during daylight - and it's all about color with Instagram.

I know when I was little, having my Thai mom, even I was weird about fish sauce and fish heads and clams. I kind of sided with my dad because he was a big American guy. So, we were very meat and potatoes, but I really wish I had grown up appreciating my mom's taste a bit more.

I'm weird about fruity desserts like lemony, acidic, zesty... I don't like lemon things and orange things, really.

There's a green room at the Oscars. It's really small, very warm, and it's really fun because you get to see everyone just lounging on couches. It's right before you go out to present, so it's everyone in there. And then they have this crudite section, and cheeses and crackers.

I'm only four weeks out from birth, so I still have a couple more weeks before I can work out - which is fine with me. I love the feeling of working out, but I've never been a gym rat, ever, so now, it's all about taking in what I can if it's good for the baby, because it all translates to her in a way.

Everyone thinks that I have an Instagram account for my dog, but I did not make that. It's a fan!

I think I'll probably be pregnant all through my 30s. I've always pictured everyone around the table for the holidays and together once a week. It'll be heartbreaking if it doesn't end up happening, but hopefully it will. We've got some embryos on hold.

I always thought the name of my first book would be 'The Insecure Chef,' because when I started cooking, I was so nervous.

I work out every day. I still feel fit and energetic. In a way, I'm healthier now that I'm pregnant.

Marriage was never my goal, because I've never been very traditional.

If you're going to choose to do something like the Paleo Diet, then you choose not to enjoy your nights out.

I'll come in from a long flight and go straight to the grocery store. I love cooking for my man.

Not only am I having a girl, but I picked the girl from her little embryo.