Zidane is a very great player, a very calm player.

If you ask me if I would like to see Isco in Barcelona, I would say yes.

I'm very satisfied with everything I have done with both Barcelona and Brazil.

It's not easy to win a Cup. Brazil spent a long time, over 20 years, before winning it, so it's not easy. The Cup is hard: it's each 4 years.

For Brazil, the World Cup really starts in the knockout rounds.

It's in the knockout games that you discover who the great players really are.

It's a bad feeling, losing a World Cup.

Brazil needs a player like Neymar at his best on the pitch because Neymar on the pitch gives more confidence to the other players.

Playing in Barca is impressive: they're in the Champions League; everyone talks about this team. You will not find another club like it in the world.

Neymar is the most important player in our national team. His absence is felt when he doesn't play. Same holds true for Barcelona. Such is his impact.

Players that have had less minutes on the pitch compared to the usual starting XI will naturally concede more chances.

Paul Pogba is a very good player.

Coutinho is a great player, and I am sure he will stay at Barca for a long time.

I know Tottenham are not among the biggest clubs in England, but they are considered a very good club to play for, a nice place to play.

There was an offer from Tottenham when I was leaving Spain to go to Milan, and at the time, I chose to go to Milan because of their history and tradition in the world of football.

Ronaldo is a top player, not only for his goals but also for his personality, as he hates to lose.

Sometimes, a player and a coach can have a different opinion. In the end, the best interest of the end, the best interest of the club has to be kept in mind.

Football is a game, and people have to be cunning.

Everything is harder when you are a Nordestino. You have to work harder than anybody else because people will be judging you with much less mercy than the other players.

I have decided that I want one or two seasons in England before the end of my career, and I want it to be at Liverpool.

Neymar will leave Barca fans speechless. He could become an even better player than he was during the Confederations Cup with Brazil. He'll easily adapt to the style of the team and will be very happy there.

I am evangelical and believe much in God.

A champion's thirst for titles should be insatiable.

I've devoted my life to doing what I love: playing football.